5 Reasons Why Walmart Won’t Hire You

If Walmart won’t hire you and you want to know why, this is the article you were looking for! 

We have the 5 reasons why Walmart won’t hire applicants listed right here so that you can figure out why it happened to you. 

Reasons Why Walmart Won’t Hire You

Realistically, the only reason why Walmart won’t hire you is that you didn’t pass the background check. You could have failed the background check for many reasons. Including having a criminal record, discrepancies in your information, poor credit history, or failing the drug test. 


  • Walmart won’t hire you because you failed the background check. 
  • There are several reasons why you didn’t pass the background check, including lying about personal information. 
  • Walmart (most likely) won’t hire you if you have a criminal record. 

In just a few moments, you will understand why you failed Walmart’s background check and, therefore, didn’t get hired. So read on! 

1. You Have a Criminal Record

The first reason why you didn’t get hired at Walmart is that you have a criminal record. 

It’s important to note that you can get a job at Walmart with a criminal record. However, you must disclose it first, and it is completely at the hiring manager’s discretion if they feel you are trustworthy enough for the job. 

So, if Walmart finds out that you lied about your criminal record when your background check comes through, you probably won’t be hired. 

As well, you should know that some applicants with felonies may be hired. But, Walmart does not hire anyone who committed a violent crime. 

2. You Lied About Your Personal Information

Another reason why you did not pass your background check and Walmart didn’t hire you is that there were discrepancies with your personal information. 

If you lied about your name, previous addresses, social security number, age, or other personal information, Walmart will simply not trust you enough to hire you. 

3. Your Lied About Your Past Education & Occupations

It’s also vital that you do not misrepresent or lie about your educational or occupational history. 

Even if you think Walmart won’t care or notice if you amp up your resume with fake jobs and degrees, it will.

And the worst thing you can do is misrepresent yourself on your background check. When that happens, Walmart won’t be able to trust you once they catch you lying. 

Sometimes, people want to hide past jobs for which they got bad references or reviews. And while you can certainly fail a background check at Walmart if you have bad references, if you lie, you will have 2 negatives against you! 

4. You Didn’t Pass the Drug Test

If you do not pass the drug test, you cannot and will not be hired at Walmart. 

There’s no way around it. Walmart never hires applicants who did not pass the drug test. 

5. Bad Credit Score

While it may come as a surprise, Walmart may also not hire you if you have a bad credit score. 

Although it’s less common, if your background check flags a poor credit score or cashing bad checks, Walmart may not think you’re trustworthy enough to be an employee. 

However, if a bad credit score is the only problem on your background check, you will probably still be eligible for hire at Walmart. 


There are essentially 5 reasons why Walmart won’t hire you, and they all occur if you don’t pass Walmart’s background check. 

It could be because you have a criminal record or you lied about either your personal information, education, or past jobs. Or that you didn’t pass the drug test, or you have a bad credit score. 

Whether or not Walmart will hire you after failing a background check depends on why you didn’t pass. And the hiring manager in charge of your application.