6 Easiest Jobs at Walmart

There are dozens of jobs at Walmart stores that you can apply for. However, there are some that are quite easy, while others can be extremely challenging. 

So let’s find out what the 6 easiest jobs at Walmart are so you can get all the benefits of working for the company without having to work too hard!

What Is the Easiest Job at Walmart?

The easiest job at Walmart is as a door greeter. Although, it’s important to note that this job is only easy if you like interacting with people! If you are friendly, being a door greeter at Walmart is neither physically strenuous nor is it fast-paced or particularly challenging. 


  • Being a door greeter is considered the easiest job at Walmart. 
  • Choosing the easiest job depends on what is easy for you, i.e. interacting with customers or physical labor. 
  • You should always apply for a job you will enjoy as it will feel easy for you! 

Keep reading! 

In this article, we will discuss the 6 easiest jobs at Walmart and the pros and cons of each one. 

1. Door Greeter

According to many Walmart employees, the job of door greeter is one of, if not the easiest, jobs at Walmart. 

And the reason why is quite simple: It’s neither physically draining nor fast-paced! 

That being said, if you don’t enjoy conversing with people consistently for hours, you might not think being a door greeter is that easy. 

2. Cart Attendant 

If you prefer working without having to interact with customers, being a cart attendant might be the easiest job for you! 

However, being a cart attendant can be quite physically demanding as you are required to push heavy lines of carts around the parking lot throughout your shift. 

It’s important to note that as a cart attendant, you still need to provide some customer service. For example, you may be asked to help a Walmart customer with their purchases and should always be ready with a smile! 

3. Stocker

Next on our list is the job of a Walmart stocker. In this position, your job is to stock Walmart shelves as needed throughout your shift. 

Many employees enjoy this position as it is consistent without being overly fast-paced. As well, you won’t have to deal with customers too often. 

While you may have to help a customer or two find what they are looking for, the required customer service is minimal. 

However, one big complaint about stocking is that it is quite monotonous and tedious. So if you enjoy a little excitement in your job, stocking might not be for you. 

4. Overnight/Closing Shift Associate

Another favorite and easy job at Walmart is that of an overnight or closing shift associate. 

Although being an associate at Walmart can mean a lot of things, if you work the closing shift or overnight, your job is sure to be a bit easier. 

And this is simply because there are fewer customers to deal with and less to do around the store during these hours. 

5. Deli/Bakery

You may be surprised to learn that working at the Walmart deli or bakery is considered one of the easiest jobs at Walmart. 

Usually, deli and bakery workers do not have constant work as cashiers or stockers do, and they can take frequent breaks while on the clock. 

The job requires some customer service and physical labor, such as lifting heavy boxes in the back. But overall, working in the deli or bakery is considered quite easy work. 

6. Manager

Finally, the last job on our easiest jobs list is that of assistant or store manager at Walmart. 

Now, there is quite a bit of controversy as to whether or not being a manager is actually an easy job. Most associates and entry-level employees believe that managers have it easy. As they are only overseeing, not dealing directly with customers on a regular basis or engine in physical labor. 

However, managers mostly disagree. They claim that delegating and running a Walmart is a lot more work than it looks like. 

The bottom line is that if the Walmart store and employees are efficient and easy to manage, being a manager at Walmart could certainly be one of the easiest jobs. 


Of all the jobs at Walmart, most people consider door greeting to be the easiest. And that is because it requires little physical effort and has a relaxing pace. 

Other easy jobs at Walmart include being a stocker, cart attendant, overnight or closing shift associate, deli or bakery worker, or even a manager at Walmart. 

Each of these jobs has pros and cons. And it’s important to understand that finding the easiest job at Walmart really depends on what you find challenging and what you like to do!