6 Highest Paying Jobs at Walmart

Walmart has over 2 million employees around the world! And while some of these employees only make minimum wage, others are paid extremely well. 

So let’s find out what the 6 highest-paying jobs at Walmart are! 

What Is the Highest Paying Position at Walmart?

The highest-paying position at Walmart is a corporate leader (such as the Vice President) who makes over $300,000 annually. Next is a software engineer who makes around $200,000 annually. However, some store managers who have been with Walmart for years can make as much as $170,000 annually.

In this article, we will expand on the 6 highest paying jobs at Walmart so that you can understand which positions at Walmart make the most money! 

1. Corporate Leader

It will likely come as no surprise that the highest-paying jobs at Walmart are at the top of the corporate ladder. 

Employees such as the Vice President, Director of Finance, the CEO, and other higher-ups make more than $300,000 annually, which far surpasses what anyone else at Walmart makes (with the exception of Sam Walton himself.)

2. Software Engineer

Moving on to the more accessible jobs at Walmart, software engineers, and specifically, directors of software teams, make the most money at Walmart. 

These employees can make anywhere from $123,000 to $250,000 annually, depending on their title and how long they have worked for Walmart. 

3. Regional Director

Next on the list are regional directors at Walmart. These employees oversee several Walmart stores and therefore receive quite a hefty salary! 

As a regional director at Walmart, you can make an average yearly income of over $183,000

Once again, the salary of regional directors can increase every year, so those who have been with the company for a long time can make even more! 

4. Store Manager 

Walmart store managers also make a high yearly income, especially after they have worked at Walmart for several years. 

A Walmart store manager usually starts at $65,000 annually. However, Walmart has reported that the average store manager makes $175,000 every year!

Many Walmart store managers are promoted from within the company. However, they must have a bachelor’s degree, financial accountability, and experience managing employees. 

But if you have these skill sets and want to make a lot more than an associate makes at Walmart, your best bet to increase your salary is trying to get a job as a store manager!

5. Pharmacy Manager

The 5th job on our list is that of pharmacy manager. Pharmacy managers at Walmart make between $140,00-$160,000! 

However, in order to land this job, you need a degree in pharmaceutical studies. So getting promoted from an associate is not really a possibility. 

But if you’re a pharmaceutical tech making less than $20 per hour, you should set your sights on the manager position.  

6. Assistant Manager

Finally, the 6th highest paying job at Walmart is that of assistant manager. 

While assistant managers make around $70,00-$80,000 annually, which is quite a bit lower than the store manager, it is a much easier job to get! 

So if you have been working at Walmart and showing your manager that you are a valued and hard-working employee, you should certainly apply to become an assistant manager. 

Even though you’ll make less than some other Walmart employees, you will make a whole lot more than as an associate on an hourly wage. 


Most Walmart employees make between $28,000 and $90,000 annually. However, there are some positions at Walmart that pay much more! 

The highest-paying jobs at Walmart include corporate leaders, software engineers and directors, store managers, pharmacy managers, and assistant store managers. 

How much each employee makes in these positions depends on how long they have been with Walmart, as well as which store they work in. But most make between $90,000 and $250,000 annually.