6 Reasons Why You Are Not Eligible for Rehire at Walmart

Are you attempting to apply for rehire at Walmart but have received notice that you are ineligible?

Don’t worry; in this article, we will find out why you are not eligible for rehire at Walmart and when (if ever) you will be eligible again! 

Why Are You Not Eligible for Rehire at Walmart?

You are not eligible for rehire at Walmart if you quit without notice, stole from the store, or even were terminated for any other reason. However, everyone is technically eligible for rehire after 6 months, but some situations make it almost impossible to get your job back. 

Now, we are going to step through the 6 reasons why you are not eligible for rehire at Walmart and when you may be eligible again. 

1. Quit Without Ample Notice

Walmart prefers that you give at least 2 weeks’ notice if you plan to leave your job. 

Therefore, even if you quit for a valid reason, if you don’t give ample notice, you will be considered ineligible for rehire at Walmart. 

2. Theft

Next, Walmart takes theft very seriously. If you are caught stealing money, merchandise, food, or even your co-workers’ personal items, you are not eligible for rehire at Walmart. 

It’s important to note that if you get caught stealing a significant amount of money or highly-valued items, you could not only lose your job. You might also be arrested and charged with theft. 

3. Sexual Harassment 

Another reason why you will be ineligible for rehire at Walmart is if you are charged with sexual harassment from a coworker or customer. 

It is absolutely vital that if you want to continue working at Walmart, you never make any sexual advances, inappropriate comments, or unwanted physical contact with anyone at work. 

4. Violence or Aggression

If you are in any way violent or aggressive while you work at Walmart, you will be immediately terminated and will not be eligible for rehire. 

And you should understand that this is at the discretion of your Walmart manager. So even if you feel it is a valid reaction, if you shout or become animated with a  coworker or customer, you will likely be let go. 

5. Job Abandonment 

You should also know that if you leave your job at Walmart without informing the management, it is considered termination due to job abandonment. And that would make you ineligible for rehire. 

By not coming in for a scheduled shift, you are showing Walmart that you are unreliable. Which is not the kind of employee Walmart is looking for! 

6. Terminated for Unknown Reasons

Finally, it’s important to understand that, technically, you are ineligible for rehire at Walmart if you are terminated for absolutely any reason. 

And because all Walmart employees are considered at-will employees without a contract, Walmart reserves the right to fire any employee without notice as they see fit as long as the basis is not sexuality, gender, religion, or race. 

How Long Does the Not Eligible for Rehire Status Last?

Now, if any one of these situations applies to you and you find yourself ineligible for rehire at Walmart, you will likely want to know how long that status will last. 

No matter why you are ineligible for rehire at Walmart, you will theoretically be eligible again 6 months after leaving the company. 

However, Walmart hiring and store managers can always deny your application for rehire if they do not believe you should work there again. 

When you lose your job or quit Walmart, you must always reapply in the same way you did the first time. 

And although you did already work there, just as with new candidates, Walmart will take your work history into consideration before hiring you. 

Therefore, if you were fired for theft, sexual harassment, violence, aggression, poor performance, job abandonment, or any other reason Walmart felt you weren’t a good employee, it is highly unlikely that you will be rehired. 

That being said, if you feel your situation was unique and you should be rehired, there are a few steps you can take. 

What Should You Do if You Are Not Eligible for Rehire at Walmart?

If you are considered not eligible for a rehire at Walmart even after waiting 6 months before reapplying, you’re not necessarily out of options. 

The very first thing you should do is contact your store manager. Hopefully, the two of you can work out whatever problem occurred, and you can get them to support your rehire! 

If your manager is the problem and they will not recommend you for rehire to the HR department, you could file a complaint against them stating you were unjustly let go. 

However, you should understand that the human resources department at Walmart hardly ever sides with hourly employees over managers. Unless your situation is incredibly unique, you are not likely to get your job back. 


There are several reasons why you are not eligible for rehire at Walmart. Including if you quit without notice, abandoned your job, or got fired for any reason, including theft, sexual harassment, violence, or aggression. 

Although technically, any hourly employee is eligible to reapply 6 months after leaving or being fired from Walmart, you probably won’t be rehired if your situation falls into any of the above categories. 

If you want to get your job back at Walmart, you should first try speaking directly to your store manager. However, if the manager is the problem, you can reach out to Walmart’s HR department to file a claim against them.