How to Call in Sick at Target

Everyone needs to call in sick sometimes. And you want to make sure you do so correctly so that you don’t get into trouble. And it can be frustrating as every company policy is a little different.

So let’s find out how to call in sick if you work at Target!

How to Call in Sick at Target

To call in sick at Target, you need to call your store. Then, ask to speak directly to your manager or department leader. If your store isn’t open yet, follow the prompts at the end of the call to leave a message and say you won’t be coming in.


  • The phone number for calling in sick at Target is your direct store line which can be found online.
  • If they are not available or the store is closed, you can leave a message.
  • You should call in sick at least 2 hours before your shift is scheduled to begin.

In this article, we are going to step through all the details of Target’s attendance policy.

And in just a few minutes, you’ll have all the information you need to call in sick at Target.

How Do You Call in Sick at Target Before the Store Opens?

To call in sick at Target before the store opens, you should still call the store’s direct line. And when no one picks up, follow the automated prompts to leave a message for your manager.

Another great option is to contact your manager or direct supervisor on their personal phone number if you have it.

It’s not ideal to call them on their day off or before their shift is scheduled to start. But it’s best to let them know that you won’t be there as soon as possible!

Can You Get Fired for Calling in Sick at Target?

Realistically, you can get fired for calling in sick at Target. However, it is fairly unlikely.

Target’s attendance policy states that you can call in sick once per week. But that does not mean you should do so.

If you actually call in sick from Target every week, you could face disciplinary action. Which usually includes a verbal or even a written warning. And, of course, you could get fired if you don’t adjust your behavior.

It’s also important to note that you could get fired from Target if you don’t call in sick correctly.

So, to ensure you don’t get fired from Target for calling in sick, you need to know how early before your shift you should call in.

You need to call in sick at least 2 hours before your shift is scheduled to start at Target. Although you should really contact your manager the moment you realize you won’t be coming in. As it will give them more time to get your shift covered.

Can Target Force You to Work if You Are Sick?

Next, you will be happy to know that Target cannot force you to work if you are sick.

Although if your manager does not truly believe that you are sick, they may try to convince you to come in.

Therefore you should know what to say when calling in sick. When you call in sick to Target, you should be honest about your symptoms.

Although, your manager is more likely to encourage you to stay home if you have infectious symptoms such as a cough, fever, or sore throat.

Now, there is no clear-cut number of sick days you’re allowed to use at Target. Although your manager could inform you that if you use another sick day, you will receive disciplinary action or even be terminated. So, what should you do if you are out of sick days?

In this case, if they tell you that you are out of sick days, you will need to use your PTO.

However, you cannot use Target PTO retroactively. So you need to plan ahead as your manager must approve the PTO before you can take the day off.

How Many Times Can You Call in Sick at Target?

Technically, the Target attendance policy states that an employee can call in sick once or even twice per week in some locations.

Though it is important to understand that if you call in sick more than once within your first 90 days of employment, you could be fired from Target as this is considered a probationary period.

Also, you really should not call in sick once a week as it will show your manager that you are an unreliable employee and could lead to termination.

In order to ensure you don’t call in sick too many times to Target, you should speak directly with your manager and ask how many days you are allotted before you will receive disciplinary action.

What Happens if You Make a “No Call, No Show” at Target?

Finally, if you do not call your manager at Target and simply don’t show up for your shift at all, it’s unlikely that you will be automatically terminated.

That being said, you will certainly be warned or receive disciplinary action if you do so within the first 90 days of employment. Or if you no-call no-show multiple times in a short period of time.

Target employees have reported that the only way you’ll be fired after just one no-call no-show is if you already have issues with your manager.

At the end of the day, if you are good at your job and a dependable employee, you can get away with a few no-calls, no-shows without losing your job.