How Long Does It Take To Hear Back From Amazon?

When applying for a job at Amazon, it’s important to know when you should expect to hear back from the company.

And as the application and hiring process has several steps, we have created a cohesive list of how long it will take to hear back from Amazon for each and every phase.

So, here is the Amazon Interview Process Timeline:

StepsResponse Time
Applying (Resume Screening)1-14 Business Days
Screening Call2 Business Days
Amazon Online Assessment2 Business Days
Phone or Video Interview2 Business Days
Writing Test2-3 Business Days
Loop or Onsite Interview2 Business Days
Final Interview5 Business Days
Background and Drug Test1-4 Weeks

Now, it’s important to understand that the response time will vary depending on the position you’re applying for. As well as the pace of the hiring manager and team you are working with.

However, we have all the information you need to at least get a gist of when you will hear back from Amazon after submitting your application.

How Long Does It Take To Hear Back From Amazon After Applying (Resume Screening)?

The first step in getting a job at Amazon is, of course, sending in your online application.

Once you’ve applied, the Amazon hiring staff will screen your resume and decide if you are an appropriate candidate for the job.

While they are assessing your resume, your Amazon application status will read “Application Submitted.”

And it will usually take anywhere from 1-14 business days before the status of your application is changed.

There are two status changes that you may see:

  • No Longer Under Consideration.
  • Under Consideration.

If you see that your application is no longer under consideration, then unfortunately, your resume did not portray that you were the correct candidate for the job.

However, if it changes to under consideration, you can expect a phone call or email from Amazon within the next 1-14 business days to move forward in the process.

It typically takes longer to hear back from Amazon after applying for higher or more senior positions. Whereas for entry-level or warehouse positions, you should expect them to reach out within the week.

How Long Does It Take To Hear Back From Amazon After the Screening Call?

The next step in the Amazon hiring process is a screening call. This means that you will be asked to speak with an Amazon employee on the phone to not only prove you are who you say you are but also to ensure you have the soft skills required to succeed at Amazon.

The screen call is not a formal interview but instead a casual conversation. You should be prepared to answer questions about why you want to work at Amazon. And it’s essential that you show your personality and communication skills.

It should only take less than an hour to complete the call. And you will likely hear back from Amazon within 2 business days later if they like you and want to continue your application process.

However, if the screen call did not go well, you probably won’t be notified of the rejection directly. Amazon simply won’t contact you again.

So if you have not heard back from Amazon within 2 weeks after the screening, unfortunately, you probably didn’t get the job.

How Long Does It Take To Hear Back From Amazon After the Online Assessment?

If you pass the screen test, Amazon will ask you to then complete the Amazon Online Assessment.

The Amazon Online Assessment is required for all potential employees. Although the test will vary slightly depending on the job you have applied for.

The good news is that you will be informed upon submission of the assessment whether you passed or failed. Of course, if you fail, you are no longer eligible for the job you applied for.

However, if you pass, you will hear back from Amazon within 2 business days to schedule your phone or video interview.

How Long Does It Take To Hear Back From Amazon After the Phone or Video Interview?

At this point in the hiring process, you are being seriously considered for the job. But in order to continue, you really need to ace the phone or video interview.

If you do well during the virtual interview, you will receive either a call or email within about 2 business days.

This phone call or email will either state that you have been rejected or it will explain the next steps in the process.

How Long Does It Take To Hear Back From Amazon After the Writing Test?

For many, but not all, positions at Amazon, a writing test is required of the applicant. The writing test is really just to ensure that you have the skills to communicate via email or memos, understand invoices, etc.

If you are asked to take a writing test, it shouldn’t take long. And usually, you will hear back from Amazon between 2-3 business days later after they have reviewed the test.

How Long Does It Take To Hear Back From Amazon After the Loop or Onsite Interview?

If you don’t have to take a writing test for your position or if you passed the required writing test, you will be contacted to set up your first loop or onsite interview.

A potential employee could be asked to come in for anywhere between 2-9 onsite or loop interviews before reaching the final interview.

But if you are applying for an entry-level position, you will probably only have to have 1-2 in-person interviews.

In between each of these interviews, you will likely have to wait about 2 business days to hear back from Amazon.

So depending on how many interviews are necessary for the position you applied for, this process can take between 1-4 weeks.

How Long Does It Take To Hear Back From Amazon After the Final Interview?

If you make it to the final interview at Amazon, congratulations! There is a very small percentage of applicants who do so.

After the final interview, it will take about 5 business days to hear back from Amazon. And they will either directly reject your application or present a job offer.

However, some Amazon applicants have reported that the standard response time is within 48 hours.

That being said, if you do not hear from Amazon within 2 weeks after the final interview, you should contact the hiring manager. A delay doesn’t necessarily mean you didn’t get the job, but it doesn’t exactly bode well.

How Long Does It Take To Hear Back From Amazon After the Background and Drug Test?

Finally, if Amazon offers you the job after the final interview, you still need to pass a background and drug test to be employed.

And unfortunately, this can be the longest wait for the entire hiring process. It all depends on how long it takes your local clerk’s office to process the test.

Background checks and drug tests usually take between 1-4 weeks. And once Amazon receives the results of your background check, they will take between 1-2 days to review it.

Overall, you should expect the Amazon application review and hiring process to take between 3 weeks and 3 months.

And, of course, the timeline depends entirely on the position you’re applying for, the speed of the hiring team, and how long it takes your background and drug test to come back.