Walmart Employee Evaluation [All you need to know]

Do you want to understand how Walmart employee evaluations work? 

Then this is the article you were looking for! 

We will find out if and when Walmart does employee evaluations, as well as if you will get a raise after being evaluated and what happens if you perform poorly right now. 

Does Walmart Do Employee Evaluations?

Walmart does employee evaluations. In fact, Walmart evaluates its employees once a year. If you have a good performance review, you may receive a raise after your evaluation, but that is not guaranteed. If you have a poor performance review, you may be coached or even terminated after your evaluation. 


  • Walmart gives employee evaluations to all staff once a year and, sometimes, more frequently.  
  • Raises at Walmart can be, but are not always, tied to evaluations. 
  • Walmart can terminate you after a poor performance evaluation. 

So, now it’s time to find out everything there is to know about Walmart’s employee evaluations, including the process and how it will affect your paycheck. 

Does Walmart Give You an Evaluation Raise?

The first question most Walmart employees ask is whether or not they will get a raise after an evaluation. However, the answer is not that clear-cut. 

Some reports state that many Walmart employees do get a raise after an employee evaluation. Although others have stated that raises are not often given out at evaluations. 

The bottom line is that while it is possible to get a raise after your employee evaluation, not all employees will get one. 

If you’re lucky, you will likely get between a 2%-3% raise after your Walmart evaluation. 

Walmart Employee Evaluation Process

Now, it’s vital to understand Walmart’s employee evaluation process. So, how does Walmart evaluate its employees?

Essentially, the employee evaluation process is two-fold. The HR or personnel representative assigned to the evaluation will look at your file and assess your attendance records, any filed complaints, and notes from your supervisor. 

As well, they will conduct an interview asking you about your experience working at Walmart, how you believe you are performing, and your opinions on what could be done better in your department or at your store. 

From all this information, the interviewer will complete the evaluation, stating whether you deserve an immediate raise, to simply continue on with your job, be promoted, or even be coached or terminated. 

Realistically, as long as you are a good employee, you shouldn’t worry about the employee evaluation process! All you need to do is answer the questions honestly and hope for a raise.

How Often Does Walmart Carry Out Employee Evaluations?

How often employee evaluations happen depends on your position at Walmart, your store’s policy, and if there are any issues that need to be ironed out. 

Walmart will carry out an employee evaluation after the first 90 days of your employment. From then, most Walmart employees should expect to have an employee evaluation once every year. 

However, if any problems arise or you are up for a promotion, you may have an evaluation before the 1-year mark. 

What Happens if You Have a Poor Performance?

Finally, you’re probably wondering what happens if you have a poor performance employee evaluation at Walmart. 

Exactly what will happen is completely dependent on your specific situation and the discretion of your manager or direct supervisor. 

Usually, if you have a poor performance review in your employee evaluation, you will be warned and coached, not immediately terminated. 

However, Walmart can fire you due to poor performance at your employee evaluation. But this situation is not likely unless you have already had coaching. 


Walmart employee evaluations usually occur after your first 3 months of employment and then once a year after that. 

During employee evaluations, the HR or personnel interviewer will ask you several questions about your employment at Walmart. And they will assess your attendance, any filed complaints from co-workers and notes from your direct supervisor. 

You may receive one for between a 2%-3% raise after your evaluation, but they are not guaranteed. 

If you get a poor performance review at your employee evaluation, you will almost always be warned or coached before being penalized or terminated.