What Happens if You Forgot to Clock Out at Walmart?

Do you work at Walmart and forgot to clock out after your shift?

Don’t worry; you are certainly not alone. 

And we are going to find out what will happen when you forget to clock out at Walmart right now! 

What Happens if You Forgot to Clock Out at Walmart?

If you forgot to clock out at Walmart, don’t worry. While you will stay clocked in, when you arrive for your next shift, just adjust the clock-out time to the actual time you left on the previous shift. Your manager can help you adjust the time if needed. 


  • As long as you don’t continually forget to clock out at Walmart, nothing will happen if you forget every once in a while. 
  • If Walmart believes you are purposefully not clocking out to doctor the clock, you could be coached or even fired. 
  • Even the best Walmart employees forget to clock out sometimes; it happens all the time. 

In this article, we are going to dig into the details of what happens if you forgot to clock out at Walmart. 

So read on! You’re going to be an expert in no time. 

Will You Get a Point at Walmart if You Forget to Clock Out?

Walmart’s attendance policy uses a point system to ensure employees are arriving and leaving on time and showing up for all of their scheduled shifts. 

So, many Walmart employees want to know if they can get a point if they forgot to checkout at Walmart. 

But we have good news! You will not get a point if you forget to clock out at Walmart. 

However, it is important to understand that if you continually forget to clock out, Walmart may start to think you’re attempting to doctor the clock. 

If you forget to clock out of Walmart on a regular basis, you may be coached. And if you cannot adjust and learn to clock out of your shift, you could even be fired (but it’s highly unlikely if you’re a good employee.)

What to Do if You Forgot to Clock Out at Walmart

Now, the next thing you need to know is what you should do if you forgot to clock out at Walmart. 

Luckily, there really isn’t much that you need to do if you forgot to clock out at Walmart. 

When you arrive for your next shift, you technically will still be clocked in from your last one. You just need to adjust the clock-out time to the actual time you left on the shift before. 

If you cannot adjust the time yourself, you can ask your manager for assistance. 

And that’s all there is to it! As long as it doesn’t happen on a regular basis, nothing else will happen if you forget to clock out at Walmart. 

Is It Normal to Forget to Clock Out at Walmart?

Finally, many Walmart employees ask if it is normal to clock out at Walmart. And the answer is yes; it is extremely common to forget to clock out at Walmart. 

Even the best employees forget to clock out sometimes. So if it happens to you, don’t stress! 

Just as long as it doesn’t keep happening, you will not get in trouble, and there is nothing you need to do after you forget to clock out at Walmart. 


If you forget to clock out at Walmart, nothing will happen as long as it’s not a common occurrence. 

Most Walmart employees forget to clock out at one point or another. If it happens to you, simply ensure you adjust the clock-out time to when you actually left. 

If you need help adjusting your time clock, you can simply ask your manager (you won’t get in trouble unless it’s a repeated offense.)