Can You Clock Out Early at Walmart?

Some of your Walmart coworkers might have told you that you can clock out early.

But is it true?

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about clocking out early at Walmart.

Can You Clock Out Early at Walmart?

You will not be penalized if you clock out up to 9 minutes early at Walmart. If you clock out more than 10 minutes before the shift’s scheduled end, you will receive ½ a point on your attendance record. If you clock out early, you don’t get paid for the unworked minutes.


  • If you clock out more than 10 minutes early at Walmart, you will get ½ a point on your attendance record. 
  • However, you can clock out up to 9 minutes early without being penalized. 
  • When you clock out early, you don’t get paid for unworked minutes. 

Keep reading if you want to know everything there is to know about clocking out early at Walmart! 

You are going to be an expert in no time.

What Happens if You Clock Out Early at Walmart?

So, what happens if you clock out early at Walmart? Well, that depends on how early you clock out at Walmart, as well as how often it happens. 

The first thing you should know is that Walmart’s attendance policy states that you will get points on your record if you clock out more than 10 minutes early. 

However, if you continually clock out less than 10 minutes early, your manager could still give you a warning or coaching.

That means that while you won’t be technically breaking the attendance policy, you may still get in trouble for clocking out early often. 

What Is Walmart’s 9-Minute Rule?

Now, Walmart has a policy called the 9-minute rule. It states you can arrive 9 minutes late and leave 9 minutes early for your shift without being penalized. 

That being said, you should not make clocking out early for your shift a regular habit. 

Even though the 9-minute rule exists, if you continue to leave even a few minutes early, your manager might notice. And, unfortunately, you could be coached because of it. 

Do You Get a Point for Clocking Out Early at Walmart?

Walmart’s attendance policy is extremely clear: You get 1 point for missing more than 2 hours of your shift and ½ of a point for being between 10 minutes and 2 hours late or early for your shift.

So yes, you can get points for clocking out early at Walmart, but only if you clock out more than 9 minutes before the shift is scheduled to end.  

You should also know that accumulating points can lead to termination from Walmart, so you ensure that you stay for your entire shift as often as possible. 

Does Walmart Pay You for Clocking Out Early?

The next question many Walmart employees ask is if Walmart pays you when you clock out early. 

Unfortunately, Walmart won’t pay you for the minutes you missed when clocking out early. 

When it comes to working at Walmart, you will only get paid for the actual minutes you work. 

Does Walmart Automatically Clock You Out at the End of a Shift?

Finally, let’s talk about how the Walmart clock-out system works. 

Walmart does not automatically clock you out at the end of your shift. In fact, if you forget to clock out at Walmart, you will stay clocked in until you arrive for your next shift and clock out for the shift before. 

When this happens, your manager must adjust your time clock to the time you actually left. 

It’s important to note that you probably won’t get in trouble for not clocking out once and a while. But, if you continually forget to clock out, you will likely be coached, as your manager might think you are clock doctoring. 


You can clock out early at Walmart without being penalized. But only if you clock out within 9 minutes of the end of the shift. 

If you clock out more than 10 minutes before the end of your shift, you will receive ½ of a point on your attendance record. If these occurrences continue, Walmart has the right to terminate your position.

Finally, even with Walmart’s 9-minute rule, your Walmart manager might warn you for continually clocking out less than 10 minutes early. And you will not get paid for the minutes you missed. 

So, you should try to clock out as close to the scheduled end of your shift as possible.