Can You Get Unemployment if You Get Fired From Walmart?

If you were recently fired from Walmart and want to know if you can still get unemployment, this is the article you need! 

We are about to find out if you can get unemployment if you get fired from Walmart and everything else there is to know about it! 

Can You Get Unemployment if You Get Fired From Walmart?

It’s possible to get unemployment if you get fired from Walmart. However, there are several factors that need to fit the rules and regulations of unemployment. You cannot be fired for stealing or violence to get unemployment; it must be due to layoffs or limited work available at Walmart. 


  • You can still get unemployment if you are fired from Walmart. 
  • However, the termination cannot be due to theft, aggression, or lack of attendance. 
  • You can always try to apply for unemployment after being fired, but you might not get it. 

Now, let’s dig into the details of how to collect unemployment after being fired. 

As well as what will disqualify you from unemployment benefits and even if the law varies by state. 

How to Collect Unemployment After Being Fired From Walmart

The first thing to understand about collecting unemployment in the USA is that they do not make it easy! 

The process of applying is lengthy and complicated as they want to deter those who don’t really need it from doing so. 

However, if you want to apply for unemployment, you should know when you still qualify even after being fired from Walmart:

  • Layoffs at your Walmart store. 
  • If there weren’t enough shifts. 
  • Extreme circumstances such as COVID-19. 
  • Any reason that was out of your control. 

Now, if your termination falls into one of these categories, you’ll also need to know how to go about applying for unemployment. 

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Contact your state’s unemployment insurance program as soon as you can after becoming unemployed. 
  2. File in the state where you worked. 
  3. Enter all your personal and occupational information correctly and honestly. 
  4. Wait 2-3 weeks to find out if you were approved and receive your first benefit check!

As well as knowing which types of termination qualify you for unemployment benefits, you also need to know which ones disqualify you.

What Disqualifies You From Receiving Unemployment Benefits?

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, you can only receive unemployment benefits if you lost your job due to no fault of your own. 

That means that the following reasons for termination will disqualify you from receiving unemployment:

  • Fired for attendance. 
  • Termination due to theft from the store or others. 
  • If you were fired because of violence or aggression. 
  • Fired due to coaching or poor performance. 

It’s important to note that even if you feel you were unjustly fired from Walmart, you probably won’t qualify for unemployment, as your record will still show you were fired for a valid reason that was within your control. 

Walmart, as a company, does not have an unemployment policy. Whether or not you receive the benefits depends completely on the unemployment insurance office in your state. 

How Many Months Do You Need to Work for Walmart Before Qualifying for Unemployment?

How many months you need to work at Walmart before qualifying for unemployment can vary from state to state. 

In some states, you can work for as little as 1 month at Walmart, whereas in others, you have to work for at least 6 months in order to receive unemployment benefits. 

The easiest way to find out how many months you need to work at Walmart before qualifying for unemployment in your state is to call the unemployment insurance office. 

But luckily, you can find every phone number you need right here

In What States Can You Collect Unemployment After Being Fired From Walmart?

Technically, you can collect unemployment in every state after being fired from Walmart, as long as you qualify. 

The U.S. Department of Labor states that in every state, residents are only allowed to collect unemployment benefits if they were asked to leave for a reason out of their control. 

The only difference in each state is how long you need to have worked at Walmart before receiving unemployment. 


You can get unemployment if you get fired from Walmart, but only if the termination was due to reasons out of your control. 

Therefore, if you get fired for attendance, violence, theft, or even poor performance, you won’t qualify for unemployment benefits in any state. 

How long do you have to work at Walmart before qualifying changes throughout the country? In some states, it is as little as 1 month. Whereas in others, you must work at Walmart for 6 months to apply.