What Does an Academy Trainer Do at Walmart?

There are quite a lot of positions at Walmart. And if you’ve heard of one called an “academy trainer” and want to know what they do, this is the article you were looking for!

We are going to find out what an academy trainer does at Walmart and everything else there is to know about the job right now. 

What Does an Academy Trainer Do at Walmart?

Academy trainers are responsible for training new employees at Walmart. They ensure that associates understand their jobs and the rules of Walmart. As well as help guide and answer questions for new hires and employees looking to grow in their careers. Academy trainers are almost like managers, but not quite. 


  • Academy trainers train new employees at Walmart. 
  • Walmart academy trainers make between $17-$21 per hour. 
  • You need to be a fantastic team leader and great communicator to succeed as a Walmart academy trainer. 

Now, let’s dig into the details of what Walmart academy trainers do, what they get paid, and what skills you need to do the job right! 

How Much Do Walmart Academy Trainers Make?

The first question many Walmart employees ask is how much academy trainers get paid. 

While academy trainers have quite a lot of responsibilities, they are not considered management. 

Therefore, Walmart academy trainers make between $17-$21, which is more than general associates but not as much as management. 

Do Academy Trainers Get Bonuses at Walmart?

Now, you also may be wondering if academy trainers get bonuses at Walmart in addition to their hourly wage. 

But unfortunately, academy trainers do not receive bonuses from Walmart. 

Only salaried employees, such as management, are eligible for bonuses at Walmart. And as academy trainers are paid an hourly wage, they cannot get bonuses. 

However, all Walmart employees (including academy trainers) qualify for quarterly or annual raises depending on how long they have worked there, their work ethic, and their general success in the company. 

What Skills Do You Need to Succeed as a Walmart Academy Trainer?

Most reports state that being an academy trainer at Walmart is extremely rewarding and, overall, a great job to have. 

So if academy training sounds like it might be a good fit for you, you will certainly need to know what skills you need to succeed in the position!

Here are just a few of the skills you need as a Walmart academy trainer:

  • Leadership: As an academy trainer, it is your job to ensure that all employees you train feel they can come to you for help. You should be confident in your ability to give direction and lead a variety of personalities. 
  • Communication: Whether you are leading a seminar or giving specific instructions to an individual, a great academy trainer is an excellent communicator. 
  • Organization: As a team leader, you need to be organized! You will often have several employees to train at the same time. And it’s important that you plan your time and theirs efficiently. 
  • Working Well with Others: At the end of the day, you need to be a people person to succeed as an academy trainer. The majority of your job is ensuring Walmart employees understand their positions, but they should also feel heard and supported. 

The best academy trainers love what they do and are passionate about making Walmart a better place to work for all employees. 


Academy trainers work as trainers for Walmart employees. From new hires to those looking to expand their careers, academy trainers are there to help! 

Walmart academy trainers typically receive between $17-$21 per hour. And while the position doesn’t qualify for bonuses, you will receive quarterly or annual raises depending on your situation. 

If you think you would be a good academy trainer, you should know that you must be a great leader, communicator, and organizer. And you should like working with people to excel in the position.