Walmart Discount Card Not Working [Solved]

All Walmart employees who work at the company for more than 90 days get a discount card that offers 10% off merchandise and some food items. 

But what if your Walmart discount card is not working online or even in the store?

Don’t worry! We are going to find out right now why your Walmart discount card isn’t working and how to fix it right now. 

Why Is My Walmart Discount Card Not Working? 

Your Walmart discount card is not working for 1 of 4 reasons. Either the card strip has worn off, you didn’t register the card online, someone who isn’t authorized is attempting to use the card, or you are trying to purchase something that isn’t eligible for the discount. 

Now, let’s dive into these 4 reasons so that you can figure out specifically why your Walmart discount card isn’t working. 

And more importantly, how to solve the issue so that you can get back to enjoying your 10% off!

1. The Strip Wore Off

One of the most common reasons why your Walmart discount card is not working when you attempt to make in-store purchases is simply that the card strip has worn off. 

In the same way, sometimes, if you keep the card in your pocket next to your phone, the strip can be compromised and stop working. 

If this happens to you, you can simply request a new card online on your WalmartOne account. They will ship the new card to your door in just a few days. 

2. The Discount Card Isn’t Registered with Your WIN

Next, in order to use your Walmart associate discount online, you first must register it with your employee information. Otherwise, you won’t be able to use it for online purchases! 

Luckily, connecting the discount card with your profile is really easy. Just follow these instructions:

  1. Sign into your Walmart account on WalmartOne or
  2. Select Manage Account
  3. Click on your Wallet.
  4. Scroll down and select the option for Discounts and Promotions. 
  5. Enter the card number.
  6. Enter your WIN number.
  7. Confirm & save!  

It’s also essential that you ensure that the card number and your employee ID are correct. 

Although it seems silly, many Walmart employees make this mistake, and their discount card will not work online. 

3. An Unauthorized Person Is Attempting to Use the Card

Another common problem is that an unauthorized person is trying to use the card. 

When it comes to the Walmart associate discount, only the Walmart employee and their legal spouse can use the card. 

So, if you send your child, sibling, parent, or friend to Walmart to make a purchase with your discount card, the cashier simply will not allow it unless you are there with them.

4. The Purchase Isn’t Eligible for the Discount

Finally, if your Walmart discount card isn’t working either in a store or online, it could be because what you are trying to purchase isn’t eligible.

It’s important to understand that while the Walmart associate discount can be used on, it will not work on Walmart marketplace items. 

As you may know, Walmart allows third-party sellers to post and sell items on And because these items are not sold directly by Walmart, the discount does not apply. 

Also, you should understand that some Walmart products, such as most food items, rollback items, tires, gift cards, and shipping fees, are not included in the Walmart employee discount. 

Therefore, even if your card is working perfectly, you registered the card online, and you are using the card yourself, it still might not work if the items you want to purchase aren’t eligible. 


There are 4 reasons why your Walmart discount card isn’t working. 

Because the strip on the card was compromised, you didn’t register the card with your employee number online, an unauthorized person is trying to use the card, or the items you are attempting to purchase aren’t eligible. 

When you get your Walmart associate discount card, you first need to register it in your Walmart wallet online with your WIN number. 

If the strip is the problem, you will need to order a new card online through your WalmartOne profile. 

Finally, make sure that you or your legal spouse are the only people using the discount card. And, of course, that you are attempting to purchase eligible items.