Will Walmart Still Hire You if You Fail the Assessment?

When it comes to getting a job at Walmart, you may already know that you need to take an assessment test before you are officially hired. 

But you probably want to know if Walmart will still hire you even if you fail the assessment. 

Let’s find out right now. 

Will Walmart Still Hire You if You Fail the Assessment?

Walmart will not hire you if you fail the assessment test. If you fail, you can retake the assessment test. However, you will have to wait 6 months to reapply and retake the test. Therefore, to ensure you get the job at Walmart, you should train for the assessment test.


  • Walmart will not hire anyone who fails the assessment test. 
  • If you fail the assessment test at Walmart, you can reapply and retake it 6 months later. 
  • You can train for the Walmart assessment test online before you take it. 

Now, if you want to learn what you should do if you fail Walmart’s assessment test, as well as what you can do to train for it, keep reading! 

Everything you need to know is right here. 

What Should You Do if You Fail Walmart’s Assessment Test?

So, you failed Walmart’s assessment test. While you certainly aren’t alone, it can be quite frustrating to fail the test as Walmart will not hire you for the job you applied for. 

If this happens to you, there are essentially two options: You can wait 6 months and take the test again, or you can try to find another job. 

Unfortunately, if you fail the Walmart assessment test the first time around, there is no way to retake it for at least 6 months. 

Once that time passes, you can reapply if your local Walmart store is still hiring and take and test again. 

If you do not want to wait 6 months to get a job, you can and should apply for a position in another company. 

Many people who apply to Walmart also apply to a variety of other companies that are always looking for employees. 

Here are a few places you can apply to:

  • Target
  • Costco
  • Whole Foods
  • Amazon
  • Home Depot

However, if you only want to work at Walmart, you should certainly know what you can do to pass the assessment test and get the job you want! 

How to Train for the Walmart Assessment Test

Now, if you want to ensure that you pass the Walmart assessment test the first or even the second time around, there are ways to train for it. 

The best way to train for a Walmart assessment test is to find an online platform that provides information and practice tests. 

While there are a variety of sites to choose from, here are 3 of the best-rated:

Also, you should take advice from previous Walmart employees who previously passed the test! 

Luckily, there are several forums online on which Walmart employees give great guidance on how to successfully pass the assessment pre-employment test. 

Here’s what they have to say:

  • All or most answers should state “Strongly Agree or Disagree”  to ensure you do not seem unsure in your answers. 
  • Read carefully and answer honestly. 
  • Answer the questions as though you care about Walmart! 
  • Walmart is looking for consistent and decisive answers. 

Overall, it seems that Walmart is assessing your commitment to the company. And also your personality and whether or not you are sure of who you are and what you can bring to the job. 

However, even if you feel confident in your testing ability and understanding of what Walmart wants to hear, you should still take the practice exams listed above to ensure you pass! 


Walmart will not hire you if you fail the assessment test. And unfortunately, if you do fail, you must wait 6 months before applying to Walmart and taking the test again. 

Therefore, unless you want to work at another company similar to Walmart, you should absolutely train for the assessment test online before taking it. 

And luckily, there are plenty of YouTube videos and sites which offer training and practice exams for potential Walmart employees!