What Does “Eligible for Hire” Mean at Walmart?

When applying to Walmart, you may have received a notification that you are “eligible for hire.”

So let’s find out what “eligible for hire” means at Walmart. As well as what will happen next and whether or not you have the job! 

What Does “Eligible for Hire” Mean at Walmart?

“Eligible for hire” at Walmart means that the applicant passed their background check and that they meet all requirements to get a job at Walmart. However, the job is not guaranteed to all eligible applicants. If Walmart calls you in for orientation, then you have the job!

Now, read on! Because we are going to step through everything else you need to know if you are “eligible for hire” at Walmart!

Are You Guaranteed a Job if You Are Eligible for Hire at Walmart?

The first thing to understand is whether or not you actually have a job at Walmart if you see the notification “eligible for hire” on your Walmart application. 

Usually, you will not be deemed eligible for hire at Walmart until you have completed all the necessary application tasks. These include:

  • Completing the online application.
  • Taking the pre-employment assessment test.
  • Passing 1 or 2 in-person interviews. 
  • Passing the background and drug test. 

If an applicant passes all these requirements, they are eligible for hire. But that does not mean the job at Walmart is guaranteed! 

Until Walmart calls or emails you to arrange your orientation, you do not officially have a job at Walmart. 

That being said, it is highly likely that you will be officially hired if you pass all the necessary steps and are eligible for hire.

What Happens After Getting the “Eligible for Hire” Status on Your Walmart Background Check?

Now, if you received the “eligible for hire” status on your Walmart background check, you will certainly need to know what is going to happen next. 

As you now know, it is extremely likely that you will get the job you applied for at Walmart once you are labeled eligible for hire. 

So, you should be ready for a call or email from your soon-to-be Walmart manager to organize your orientation and onboarding. 

However, in order to officially get the job, you need to complete the following steps of the process:

  • Arrive at your scheduled orientation on time and be ready to work. 
  • Bring two forms of ID that confirm your identity and your eligibility to work in the USA. 
  • Be available for the shifts needed in the position you applied for. 

That’s really all there is to it. As long as all the paperwork is in order, once Walmart invites you to orientation, you have the job! 


If you pass all the tests, interviews, and background checks required to get a job at Walmart,  you will then see  “eligible for hire” on your Walmart application.

However, this notification does not guarantee you have the job. The Walmart manager still needs to contact you to invite you to the Walmart orientation. 

Once you arrive at orientation and fill out all the necessary paperwork, then you have the job!