How to Start a Blog That Makes $10,000 per Month

If I can do it, you can do it.

Why did I write this blog post? And how am I qualified to write this blog post?

Three years ago, I was in the exact same situation you are in now.

During Covid-19, I wanted to build a side hustle and chose online blogging as my focus.

Today, I’ve earned more than $200,000 from my blog, and I’m ready to share everything I know so you can get a head start on your journey toward financial freedom.

Check out my story: How I Made $200,000 From Blogging With No Experience

Why I Love Online Blogging as a Business Model

I love simple business models. Why? Because you only need to be good at a few things to nail it and build a successful business.

Online blogging is one of the simplest business models out there.

All you need to do is get people to your blog and view ads. Since you’re paid on a pay-per-view basis, you don’t have to promote any products or write about anything specific.

You can focus on entertaining your audience with great content.

Another awesome thing about online blogging as a business model is that you decide how much you work. While many businesses require a minimum number of hours per week, blogging doesn’t. You can publish as much or as little as you want.

If you have a lot of energy one week, you can publish a lot. If you’re swamped, you can just chill. Your readers will still find your old content, and the money will keep rolling in.

Now that I think about it, I don’t know any other business model that’s this flexible.

That leads me onto the next point.

Most of the time, when people talk about passive income, their ideas aren’t truly passive. Often, there’s always some admin stuff to handle.

But online blogging? It’s genuinely a 100% passive income stream if you want it to be.

What I also adore about blogging is its versatility. Whether you’re dishing out jokes or crafting in-depth guides on starting a business – both work. The trick? Serve up great content for an engaged audience.

And if you run out of topics in one niche? Start a fresh site in another and apply what you learned from your first gig. Different topic, same game: awesome content for eager readers.

Finally, I love the fact that you can sell your business!

This is probably not something you’ve been thinking about at this point. However, a $10k per month online blog can be sold for around $300-400k.

People are willing to pay a great price for a passive income stream.

Check out these listings for yourself:

How to Increase Your Odds of Success 10X

My guess is that most people who want to start a side hustle don’t really do anything after reading a blog post like this.

A few people will gain enough motivation to start an online blog, but my guess is that only 1 out of 100 will succeed.

However, there are a few hacks I’ve exploited throughout the past years that have contributed a great deal to my success.

And I genuinely believe these will 10x your chances of success.

1. Don’t be afraid to spend money

Ever heard about the sunk-cost fallacy?

It’s the “phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial.” (Thanks, Oxford Dictionary).

You can use this to your advantage.

If you’ve spent a few hundred bucks on a website, you are much more likely to find a way to succeed because you don’t want your investment to go to waste.

So that’s my first hack. Spend money. Not only because it will save you time but mostly because it will motivate you to keep on going. It doesn’t have to be a lot. A few hundred bucks will do.

2. Aim for 95 percent perfection

If you are like me, you most likely want to make things perfect, and often you spend hours getting it just right rather than settling for 95 percent perfection.

However, making things close to perfect rather than perfect gives you much more time and momentum to keep building your online blog.

Don’t spend 10 minutes getting a single sentence right. People won’t care about that single sentence. People care about the 95 percent you already got right.

3. Niche down

You don’t need to pick a very broad niche to build a $10k per month blog. Heck, I believe I can create a $10k per month blog just by writing about giraffes.

Maybe that’s an exaggeration, but you get the point 😉.

Don’t start an animal blog. Start a blog about dogs or cats. There are plenty of readers out there looking for much more in-depth knowledge on niche topics rather than general information about various animals.

My Complete Guide for Creating a Blog That Makes $10,000 per Month

I could spend countless hours creating an in-depth guide.

However, I already feel like I’ve given you my most valuable advice.

To start leveraging the sunk-cost fallacy for yourself, what better way is there than to invest in a course that teaches you everything I would have taught you anyway?

I’ve seen what Jon has achieved with his sites, and I know he will teach you all there is to know about online blogging.

Furthermore, I have no affiliation with him, and he doesn’t pay me to promote his course. I don’t receive anything from him if you purchase it.

So here you are:

I genuinely believe this is the best way for you to get started.

And when you’ve created your blog, please return to this page and read my advice again. It will make even more sense then.