
Employees shouldn’t spend time looking for simple answers.

It’s rare that you start a new job. And the rules and policies can differ significantly across companies. For that reason, you might not always know how to call in sick or how long you should wait to hear back after an interview.

We’ve made it our mission to provide accessible and easy-to-read answers to help the thousands of current and future employees of the world’s largest employers.


You probably already know the story.

A few years ago I started a new job. One morning, I woke up and knew that I wouldn’t be able to make it to work that day. But what was the procedure for calling in sick? Also, I had the morning shift, so how did I call in when there was no one at work yet?

I desperately searched through my emails to see if I could find a link to the employee handbook. After all, I wouldn’t risk making a “no call, no show”, as I knew the consequences could be termination, since I was still on my probation period.

There was nothing I could use in my emails. Finally, I ended up tracking my boss down on Facebook to send a message. Luckily, it worked out!

However, that’s when I decided that no one should be in the same situation. So I created WorkplaceHelper to make sure that people always know how to call in sick at their workplace. And to help with the many other questions employees face on a daily basis.

Share your experiences as an employee today!