Can Walmart Change Your Schedule Last Minute?

Do you work at Walmart and want to know if they are allowed to change your schedule at the last minute?

If so, then this is the article you were looking for! So let’s find out right now. 

Can Walmart Change Your Schedule Last Minute?

According to Walmart’s policy, management can only change your shift 24 hours before the start time. However, they are not required to contact you to inform you of the change. Therefore, you should constantly check your Walmart schedule to ensure your shifts haven’t changed. 


  • Walmart can change your shift up to 24 hours before your previously scheduled start. 
  • You cannot deny a last-minute schedule change if it was made by management. 
  • The only option if Walmart changes your schedule last minute is to talk directly to your manager and request to change it back (which can be denied.)

In this article, we will discuss Walmart’s schedule change policy and what you should do if your manager continually changes your schedule. 

So read on! Everything you need to know is right here. 

What Is Walmart’s Policy on Schedule Changes?

The first thing you need to understand is what Walmart’s policy on schedule changes actually is. 

According to Walmart employees, the company policy states that schedule changes can only occur up to 24 hours before the original shift was set to start. 

That being said, some Walmart employees receive shift changes within the 24-hour time frame. 

Essentially, management can change your shift whenever they want or need to. And to make the situation even more frustrating, they usually won’t call to inform you of the change. 

Therefore, as a Walmart employee, you should be constantly checking your online schedule to ensure you don’t miss any changes. 

Can You Deny a Last-Minute Schedule Change From Walmart?

Alright, so Walmart changed your schedule last minute. Can you deny the change and not come in for the new shift? 

Unfortunately, the answer is no; you cannot deny a last-minute schedule change when you work at Walmart. 

If you do not show up for the new shift set on your schedule, it will be considered a no-call no-show and you will get points on your attendance record. 

Can Walmart Change Your Schedule Without Asking?

Next, you should know that Walmart can and absolutely will change your schedule without asking first. 

Walmart managers are allowed to make and change the schedule as they see fit, and there is nothing within the policy that states they must check in with you before doing so. 

Hopefully, your manager will adhere to your schedule requests when they are changing the schedule around. 

Therefore, if you know there are certain shifts that you will not be able to work, you should always request them off, even if you don’t usually work those days. 

What Should You Do if Walmart Keeps Changing Your Schedule?

Because you cannot deny a schedule change to a shift that you did not request off, you may want to know if there is anything you can do if Walmart keeps changing your schedule.

Realistically, the only thing you can do if Walmart keeps changing your schedule is contact the manager at your store who creates the schedule. 

If you can talk to your manager and let them know that the constant changes are stressful and challenging for you, you might be able to convince them to stop making them at the last minute. 

However, if that doesn’t work, unfortunately, you are essentially out of luck as managers are allowed to make those changes according to Walmart’s policy. 


Walmart can absolutely change your schedule last minute. However, they should give you at least 24 hours notice before the shift is set to start. 

Although, it’s important to understand that your Walmart manager will not call you to inform you of the change. Therefore, you need to constantly check your online schedule to ensure you don’t miss any changes. 

When last-minute changes do occur, you cannot deny them or skip the shift. That will get points against your attendance record for doing so. 

In fact, the only thing you can do if this continues to happen is to talk directly to your manager and request more advance notice.