Can You Call Out Due to Bad Weather at Walmart?

Do you work at Walmart and want to know if you can call out due to bad weather?

Well, you have found exactly the article you were looking for! 

We will explain right now if you can call out due to bad weather at Walmart (and if you will still get paid!)

Can You Call Out Due to Bad Weather at Walmart?

You can call out due to bad weather at Walmart. However, if Walmart doesn’t believe the weather is not an emergency situation, you may get an occurrence point if you don’t use PTO. You can always use PTO and still be paid for the shift, and you won’t be penalized.


  • While you can always call out due to bad weather at Walmart, if Walmart doesn’t consider it an emergency, you may get an occurrence point. 
  • You will not get paid during inclement weather if you call out and don’t use PTO. 
  • You can use your PTO for extreme weather conditions, and you will still get paid. 

Now, let’s dig into the details of Walmart’s inclement weather policy for its employees. 

And find out what you should do if you don’t feel safe getting to work due to bad weather. 

What Is Walmart’s Inclement Weather Policy for Employees?

First, it’s important to understand that whether or not Walmart implements its inclement weather policy is completely at its discretion

Usually, Walmart will only close stores or warehouses under extreme weather conditions such as the following: 

  • Natural disaster
  • Snowstorms
  • Flooding
  • Wildfires
  • Tornadoes
  • Hurricanes
  • Severe Weather

If Walmart decides to close before you come in for your shift, you will not be paid as the shift was canceled. However, if you are already at work, it’s likely that you will be paid for your entire shift. 

Now, you should also know that you can always call out at Walmart due to inclement weather if you feel it is unsafe to travel to work. 

But what happens next depends on how you handle the situation and your manager’s decision on the matter. 

Does Walmart Give You a Point for Calling Out Due to Bad Weather?

According to Walmart’s attendance policy, occurrence points are given for missing shifts, being late, or leaving early. 

And whether or not you get a point for calling out due to bad weather will depend on the situation and your manager. 

If you call your manager and notify them that you will not be coming in due to bad weather, 2 things can happen:

  • They will understand that your area is in a state of emergency, and you will not be penalized. 
  • If they feel you could physically come in, they will give you an occurrence point on your attendance record. 

If your manager does not allow you to miss the shift without allocating a point, you can always use PTO (Paid Time Off) to miss a shift due to bad weather without receiving a point on your record. 

However, that means that you need to have accumulated enough PTO for the shift. And you cannot use it for another day when you are sick or want to go on vacation, which can be frustrating. 

Does Walmart Pay You if You Call Out Due to Bad Weather?

Finally, let’s talk about your paycheck! Will you still get paid if you call out to Walmart due to bad weather?

Well, each situation is a little different:

  • If you call out due to bad weather and don’t use PTO, you will not be paid. 
  • You can use PTO on inclement weather days and still get paid to stay home. 
  • If Walmart cancels your shift due to bad weather before you arrive at work, you will not be paid. 
  • Although if you do go to work but Walmart closes early, you will be paid for your entire shift. 

The bottom line is that if you don’t use PTO for inclement weather, you will not be paid if you don’t come in for your shift if your Walmart store or warehouse remains open. 


You can call out due to bad weather at Walmart if you feel it is unsafe to travel to work. 

However, if your manager does not feel as though the weather is severe enough to excuse your absence, you may receive an occurrence point on your attendance record for not coming in. 

You can avoid getting an occurrence point by using your PTO to call out due to inclement weather, and you will still be paid for the shift. 

If you don’t use PTO, you will not get paid for missing a shift at Walmart, even in extreme weather conditions.