Can You Retake the Walmart Assessment Test?

If you took the assessment test at Walmart and didn’t pass, you will certainly want to know if you can retake it! 

But don’t worry; we have the answer to your question right here! 

Can You Retake the Walmart Assessment Test?

You can retake the Walmart assessment test. However, you must wait 6 months before applying to Walmart again and retaking the test. Therefore, if you want a Walmart job right now, you should ensure you pass the test the first time! 


  • You cannot retake Walmart’s assessment test right away. 
  • While you can retake it, you must wait 6 months. 
  • If you need to retake Walmart’s assessment test, you need to re-apply for a job. 

Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what it looks like to retake Walmart’s assessment test, including how soon you can do so and how many times you can take it. 

How Soon Can You Retake Walmart’s Assessment Test?

When you apply for a position at Walmart online, if your application is eligible, it will be sent to your local HR or personnel director. 

Then, if they like your application, you will be asked to complete the assessment test. When you submit the test, you will immediately see whether you passed or not. 

So, if you didn’t pass the assessment test, what can you do now? 

Well, unfortunately, once you fail the assessment test, you must wait 6 months before applying to Walmart and starting the process all over again. 

How Many Times Can You Take the Walmart Assessment Test?

The next question you might be wondering is how many times you can take the Walmart assessment test if you continue to fail. 

Technically, there is no limit to how many times you can take the Walmart assessment test. 

However, as you now know, you must wait 6 months in between each application and test submission. 

So while you can continue to try to pass, it may take years to get a job at Walmart if you have to keep retaking it. 

How to Retake the Walmart Assessment Test

Finally, you need to know how to retake the Walmart assessment test. 

If you failed the test, the first step is to wait 6 months, then start the process again by following these steps:

  1. Apply to Walmart online or at an application kiosk. 
  2. Wait to hear from the hiring manager at the Walmart you applied to. 
  3. Take the assessment test online. 
  4. And hope that you passed! 

It is important to note that there are several online blogs and videos that give advice on how to pass the assessment test. 

So, if you failed the first time, to ensure you pass the next time, you should do your research! 


You can retake the Walmart assessment test, but you must wait 6 months before re-applying to Walmart and retaking the test. 

There is no limit as to how many times you can retake the assessment test. However, you must wait 6 months in between every try. 

To retake Walmart’s assessment test, you must reapply to Walmart. And then wait for the hiring manager to send you an invitation to take the test.