Do You Have to Call in When Using PPTO at Walmart?

Walmart employees can accumulate PPTO or protected paid time off to use at their discretion. But do you have to call in when you want to use your PPTO at Walmart?

Let’s find out right now. 

Do You Have to Call in When Using PPTO at Walmart?

You always have to call Walmart when using your PPTO. Even though your PPTO is automatically approved on WalmartOne, you still need to call your manager to let them know you won’t be coming in. Otherwise, you may get points on your record for a no-call no-show. 


  • You do have to call in when using PPTO at Walmart. 
  • To use PPTO, you need to enter the information on WalmartOne.
  • PPTO is automatically approved at Walmart. 

If you want to learn everything there is to know about PPTO at Walmart, including what you can use it for, read on! 

This article has all the details you need. 

How to Use PPTO at Walmart

First, you need to understand exactly what PPTO is and how to use it. 

Here’s the deal: PPTO is different from PTO in that it is protected paid time off as opposed to paid time off. 

While both options can be used for identical reasons (which we will talk about shortly) how you actually use them is different. And that is because PTO needs approval from a manager, and PPTO doesn’t. 

That means that in order to use your PPTO, all you need to do is claim the hours you accumulated on your WalmartOne online profile

Once you log in, navigate to the GTA portal, and select the days or shifts that you want to use your PPTO to take off. 

Then, call your manager to let them know that you won’t be there on the days you took off. 

It’s important to understand that even though you don’t need your manager’s approval, you always need to call them and let them know you won’t be coming in. Otherwise, you may receive a no-call no-show on your record. 

When Can You Use PPTO at Walmart?

Next, you need to know when you can use your PPTO at Walmart. For example, can you use PPTO for vacation? Let’s find out. 

Here are the occasions when you can use PPTO at Walmart:

  • Vacation
  • Sick Days
  • Doctors or Other Appointments
  • Family Care
  • Personal Days

Essentially you can use PPTO at Walmart anytime you need to miss a shift or even if you need to leave early or come in late. And you don’t need a manager’s approval to do so. 

However, certain days during the holidays, such as Black Friday, may be unavailable for any employee to take off, even with PPTO. 

Is PPTO Automatically Approved at Walmart?

Unless the days you want to take off are specifically blocked by Walmart, your PPTO is usually automatically approved. 

That being said, some Walmart employees have reported that their PPTO was not automatically accepted. If this happens to you, it’s usually simply a glitch in the system, as all PPTO cannot be denied. 

Luckily, you just need to call your manager (like you were going to anyway) and ask them to ensure the PPTO gets approved online. 


Although your PPTO will be automatically approved when you enter the information on WalmartOne, you should still call your manager to ensure you don’t get points for a no-call no-show. 

It may seem redundant, but not every manager checks the PPTO.