Does Orientation Mean You Got the Job at Walmart?

If you have made your way through the hiring process and are headed to Walmart orientation, you probably want to know if that means you got the job!

And we have everything you need to know right here. 

Does Orientation Mean You Got the Job at Walmart?

When you get invited to orientation at Walmart, it does mean you have the job! You will be paid hourly to attend Walmart’s orientation, and once completed, you will be added to the upcoming schedule. When you start working depends on when your Walmart department needs you. 


  • If Walmart asks you to come to orientation, you got the job. 
  • In most cases, you will start working within a few days after orientation. 
  • Walmart orientation lasts 1-2 days, and you receive your standard hourly wage. 

Read on if you want to find out when your first shift will be after orientation and what to expect at Walmart orientation! 

Do You Start Working Right After Orientation at Walmart?

Every Walmart employee must complete orientation before they can start working their regular shifts.  But luckily, you earn your hourly wage while you’re there!

After you complete the orientation, which for some positions is only a few hours and for others a couple of days, you will receive your first scheduled shift at Walmart. 

So, when is your first shift? Well, it really depends on your position and your specific Walmart store. 

If they need you on the schedule immediately, your first shift could be 1-2 days after your orientation. Or, if they are almost fully staffed, it could be up to a week before your first shift. 

After orientation, your manager or HR representative will show you the schedule so that you know when your first shift will be and what your schedule looks like for the next 2 weeks. 

What Happens at the Walmart Orientation?

Now, let’s talk about what Walmart orientation looks like and what you can expect when you get there! 

Walmart orientation is a requirement for all employees. However, orientations are slightly different for each position and department. 

Usually, when you come in for orientation, you will watch a few videos about working at Walmart. Then you will sign all your paperwork and get your name tag. 

After that, you will take a tour and meet the manager and supervisor of your department. Sometimes, you might have basic training, but that’s usually not until your first real shift. 

Essentially, Walmart’s orientation is to familiarize you with the company itself, as well as the store you will be working at and the management you’ll be working under. 


If you are invited to Walmart’s orientation, it means you got the job! 

Orientation will be your first paid “shift” at Walmart before your actual first shift on the floor. 

Your first scheduled shift could be anywhere from 1 day to 1 week after orientation. It just depends on the scheduling needs of your department. 

Walmart orientation can be a few hours or a couple of days. And usually, you will watch videos, learn how to clock in and out, sign your paperwork, and take a tour of the store.