Does Walmart Keep Temporary Employees?

If you were hired at Walmart as a temporary employee and want to know if you might be able to stay on after the temporary hiring period, read on! 

We are going to find out right now if Walmart keeps temporary employees. 

Does Walmart Keep Temporary Employees?

Walmart does sometimes keep temporary employees. Walmart hires temporary employees for seasonal work and when they need extra hands. But if you are good at your job and prove you are a valuable employee, Walmart may offer to hire you as a permanent employee before your time is up!


  • Walmart sometimes keeps temporary employees as permanent employees. 
  • A temporary position at Walmart usually lasts 6 months or less. 
  • Temporary employees get no benefits at Walmart. 

Now, let’s talk about why Walmart may only hire temporary employees and even how to go from temporary to full-time at Walmart!

Why Is Walmart Only Hiring Temporary Workers?

If you are applying to your local Walmart, you may notice that they are only offering work for temporary positions

While it may seem strange that Walmart is not hiring part-time or even full-time employees if they need staff, the truth is that there are several reasons why Walmart is only hiring temporary workers. 

  • Flexibility: Realistically, the main reason why Walmart is only hiring temporary workers is to ensure they have the flexibility to hire and fire staff as needed. In fact, it’s not really considered firing when it comes to temporary employees. And the process and paperwork are much easier. 
  • Peak Periods: Another is that Walmart actually doesn’t need any more permanent staff members. They simply need extra hands for a peak period such as the holidays or major sales like Black Friday. 
  • Keep Down Costs: Temporary employees don’t get benefits such as PTO, PPTO, health insurance, maternity leave, etc. Therefore, but only hiring temporary employees, Walmart keeps its overhead costs down. 

Although being a temporary may not seem like a great gig, there is a bit more information you should understand before deciding whether or not you should apply for the job. 

How Long Is a Temporary Position at Walmart?

The first question many people ask is how long a temporary position lasts at Walmart. 

And realistically, a temporary job at Walmart can last anywhere from 1-6 months. However, 6 months is the standard timeline for a Walmart temporary worker.

Now, it’s important to understand that Walmart can let temporary workers go at any time if they aren’t needed anymore. 

However, if you are a good worker and your manager likes you, you might be able to go from temporary to full-time at Walmart! 

So let’s figure out how to make it happen so that you can become a permanent employee at Walmart. 

How to Go From Temporary to Full Time at Walmart

Realistically, in order to go from temporary to full-time at Walmart, the store must need more staff. However, there are a few things you can do to ensure that if they do need staff, you’re the employee they choose! 

Here are 5  tips to go from temporary to full-time at Walmart:

  1. Be Available: When it comes to scheduling, Walmart managers prefer employees without too many requests. If you can make yourself available for more shifts, you are far more likely to be hired as a permanent employee. 
  2. Work Hard: At the end of the day, work ethic goes a long way. To get hired full-time at Walmart, you should put in 100% effort every day at work. 
  3. Be Friendly: Making friends is a great way to make friends with your Walmart manager and team. If they like you, they’re more likely to want to keep you on!
  4. Work Well With Others: Communication is an essential skill for any worker. And if you can work well with your team and communicate with your manager, you have a better chance of getting a permanent job. 
  5. Tell Your Manager: If you want the job, say so! It always helps when you are vocal about wanting to work full-time at Walmart as your manager will take you more seriously. 

Finally, you probably want to know why so many people want to go from being temporary to full-time employees at Walmart. 

Do Temporary Employees Get Benefits at Walmart?

Essentially, the reason why being a temporary worker at Walmart isn’t ideal is that you don’t get any benefits. 

Even though Walmart claims that “all” employees get a 10% discount card, temporary workers don’t even get this benefit. 

Let alone the full-time benefits Walmart offers, such as health insurance, maternity leave, PTO, PPTO, and more. 

Therefore,  you should really follow the steps listed above to become a permanent worker and get benefits from Walmart!


Walmart does keep temporary employees, but not always. 

Temporary workers are common at Walmart due to the store’s need for flexibility and extra hands during peak periods. But there is an option to become a part-time or even full-time employee after your temporary work is complete. 

If you want to go from a temporary to a permanent worker at Walmart, you should have a good work ethic, available scheduling, and communicate well with your team and manager.