First Day at Walmart [All You Need to Know]

If you got hired at Walmart and want to know what your first day at Walmart will look like, then this is the article you were looking for! 

We are going to discuss everything there is to know about your first day at Walmart right now. 

What Happens on Your First Day at Walmart? 

8.00 AM to 8.30 AM: Arrive at Walmart
8:30 AM: Head to Customer Service and let them know you’re here for orientation.
8:40 AM: Meet & greet with your orientation leader and group.
8:45 AM: Fill out all personal and financial information paperwork.
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM -2:00 PM: Take Walmart’s online orientation, also called pathways. 12:00 PM: Break for Lunch.
2:00 PM: Tour the Walmart store and learn the layout.
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Head home for the day!


  • Your first day of work at Walmart is not a real shift but an orientation. 
  • Most employees are at Walmart for 8 hours on their first day. 
  • You should wear your Walmart blue vest when you arrive for your first day of orientation. 

Now, let’s dig into the details of your first day at Walmart, including what you should bring, wear, and how to successfully make it through your first day! 

Where Should You Go for Walmart Orientation?

While most Walmart orientations are held in the back of the store, you shouldn’t try to walk around aimlessly to find it. 

When you arrive at Walmart on your first day, you should head directly to the customer service desk. 

You can then ask the associate at the desk where you should go for orientation, and they will either bring you or direct you to the location. 

How Long Is Your First Day at Walmart?

The next thing to understand is how long you should expect to be at Walmart on your first day. 

Most Walmart employees report that the first day, or orientation day, usually lasts about 8 hours. 

However, while you will likely be at Walmart for 8 hours, you won’t really be working the whole time. 

Usually, there is time for a meet and greet, and some managers even bring donuts for the new staff! And at this time, they will ask you to fill out the required paperwork with your ID number and bank account information. 

Then, you will spend between 2-4 hours on the computer learning Walmart’s pathways or orientation material. After that, you will likely get a tour of your new Walmart store and meet your department. 

During this time, you will be allotted two 15-minute paid breaks and one 30-minute unpaid lunch break, just as all hourly Walmart employees do. 

What Should You Bring for Your First Day at Walmart?

When you arrive for your first day at Walmart, there are a few things that you should be sure to bring with you. 

  • A packed lunch or snacks (unless you want to purchase something at Walmart.)
  • Your Walmart blue vest. 
  • Your state-issued ID, bank information, and social security card. 

In addition to bringing the things you need for the day, you should also be aware of what you should wear to orientation! 

What Should You Wear on Your First Day at Walmart?

For your first day at Walmart, you should make sure that your outfit fits the employee dress code guidelines. 

Walmart’s dress code policy has changed in recent years. And now, the company wants to ensure that its employees feel comfortable and that they can express their personality at work! 

That being said, there are a few rules to Walmart’s dress code that you need to abide by, even during orientation. 

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Pants: You can wear jeans or slacks on your first day at Walmart. However, they should not be ripped or embellished in any way. Also, you should skip dresses, shorts, and skirts. 
  • Shirts: Realistically, any shirt that does not have a logo or shows your shoulders or midriff is acceptable to wear to Walmart. 
  • Hats: Walmart employees are not allowed to wear hats at work unless your department requires one for health and safety. So you should skip the hat during orientation. 
  • Jacket: If it’s a chilly day, you can wear a jacket or sweater to Walmart orientation. However, Walmart does not allow hoodies and all outerwear should fit and look appropriate under your Walmart vest. 
  • Shoes: You must wear close-toed shoes when you go on your first day at Walmart. Sneakers are acceptable but they should be clean and professional. Also, for your own comfort, you should be able to walk around in your shoes without any issues. 
  • Facial Hair & Jewelry: Walmart states that you can have facial hair and wear jewelry when on shift. However, you should ensure you look clean, tidy, and professional.

At the end of the day, you can dress casually on your first day at Walmart. But you should make sure you look professional, clean, and are following the guidelines listed above. 

How to Successfully Make It Through Your First Day at Walmart

Whether it’s your first day as a Walmart stocker, associate, deli or bakery attendant, or any one of the dozens of jobs available at Walmart, there are a few things you should know to ensure you have a successful orientation! 

  1. Be Friendly: One of the most important things you can do on your first day at Walmart is to make friends! The people you meet will be your coworkers for the foreseeable future, so you want to make sure you make a good first impression. 
  2. Ask Questions: Managers love when employees ask questions! And on the first day, there are no dumb questions, so feel free to ask anything that comes to mind. 
  3. Come Prepared: You should arrive with the necessary documentation for orientation, your Walmart blue vest, food, water, or whatever it is you need for the day. 
  4. Show Interest: Even if you don’t have a question, you should show interest in the goings on at Walmart. Participate in group conversations and be attentive during any lectures or information. 
  5. Understand Your Job Ahead of Time: A great way to show what a fantastic employee you’re going to be is to show that you understand your job before you even start! Although you won’t know all the ins and outs, as you have likely shopped at Walmart before, you can at least convey that you understand what your job looks like from the outside. 

Realistically, as long as you are excited to be there, dress appropriately, and come prepared to work, your first day at Walmart is definitely going to be a success! 


Your first day at Walmart usually lasts about 8 hours. And it includes a meet and greet, online orientation, filing paperwork, and a tour of the store. 

When you arrive for your first day of Walmart orientation, you should be prepared to work. And ensure you wear the appropriate attire according to Walmart’s employee dress code. 

Finally, just make sure you bring your personal and financial information, snacks or lunch, and your blue Walmart vest!