How Do You Know if You Passed Walmart’s Assessment Test?

Have you taken Walmart’s assessment test and want to know if you passed? 

Then read on! 

This article has everything you need to find out if you passed Walmart’s assessment test! 

How Do You Know if You Passed Walmart’s Assessment Test?

Immediately after you complete and submit Walmart’s assessment test, you will receive a notification stating whether or not you passed. If you passed, the result will be green, but if you failed, it will be red. As well, if you passed, HR will call you in the near future. 


  • You will know if you passed Walmart’s assessment test directly after submitting it. 
  • A green response means you passed, and red means you didn’t. 
  • If you pass, HR will call you shortly. 

Now, let’s step through the details of Walmart’s assessment tests so you can know if you passed in the next few minutes.

Does Assessment Active Mean You Passed Walmart’s Assessment Test?

Once you’ve completed and submitted your Walmart assessment test, you may receive a message stating “Assessment Active.”

If you got this message, you are in luck! Because “assessment active” means that you passed Walmart’s assessment test. 

And once you pass the test, you can be hired at Walmart. 

How Long Time Does It Take To Get the Walmart Assessment Test Result?

You should also understand how long it takes to get the Walmart assessment test results. 

And we have more good news for you! Your Walmart assessment test results are available immediately after you submit the test. 

On the screen, you will either see a green notification which means you passed, or a red one which means you didn’t. 

If you accidentally exit the screen before seeing your results, don’t worry. You can still check to see if you passed Walmart’s assessment test. 

How to Check if You Passed Walmart’s Assessment Test

Finally, you need to know how to check if you passed Walmart’s assessment test if you missed seeing the results at the end of your test. 

Here’s what you need to do: 

  1. Call the Walmart store you applied to. 
  2. Ask to speak to the hiring manager in HR or the personnel office. 
  3. Have your personal information ready. 
  4. They will be able to tell you if you passed the assessment test or not. 

Just remember, you can avoid calling your local Walmart to find out if you passed the assessment test if you simply look at the results after submitting it. 


You will know if you passed Walmart’s assessment test immediately after submitting it. There will be a green notification if you passed and a red one if you didn’t.

If you forget to look at the results before exiting the page, don’t worry. You can call your local Walmart HR representative to find out if you passed.