How Does Amazon Reject Candidates?

If you applied to Amazon and are not-so-patiently waiting for their response, you’re not alone!

So let’s find out: How does Amazon reject candidates?

How Does Amazon Reject Candidates?

Amazon does not usually inform candidates of rejection. The application status online will simply be changed to “no longer under consideration.” Unless they have made it to the interview stage. In this case, they may reject candidates via email or a phone call. But this does not always occur. 


  • If you applied to Amazon, you are not likely to get a rejection email or phone call.
  • You can tell you have been rejected when the status of your application changes to “no longer under consideration.”
  • When Amazon does reject candidates after the interview process, it takes between 2-5 days.

Now, if you want to find out if Amazon rejects over the phone or email and how the rejection process works, read on! This article has all the details you need to know.

Does Amazon Call to Reject?

First, you should understand that Amazon hardly ever calls to reject candidates. However, it is possible that Amazon might call to reject you.

You have to be through at least the first interview in order for Amazon to call to reject your candidacy. And even then, as we are about to learn, you might still only receive an email.

Although, if Amazon does call to reject you, they will do so within 2-5 days after your interview.

Does Amazon Send Rejection Emails?

Next, it is far more likely that you will receive a rejection email than a phone call from Amazon.

Although, you should not expect a rejection email if Amazon has not contacted you after applying.

You may receive a rejection email from Amazon after you have made it to the phone screening or onsite interview stage of the application process.

And you can expect the rejection (or acceptance) email within 2-5 business days after the screening or interview.

How Does Amazon Reject Candidates After an Onsite Interview?

If you made it through the application process to the onsite interview stage, Amazon will likely email your rejection notification.

However, it’s also possible that they will call you on your listed phone number.

The bottom line is that you should keep your phone handy and regularly check your email after your onsite interview with Amazon to find out as quickly as possible if you’ve been rejected!

How Fast Does Amazon Reject Candidates?

When it comes to Amazon’s rejection timeline, the company uses a policy called the “2&5 Promise.”

And it states that you will receive a rejection or acceptance response within 2 working days of the phone screen interview or 5 working days from an onsite interview.

Although, if you do not receive a response within 1 week, Amazon employees recommend reaching out to the hiring manager or HR representative you met with to inquire about your application.

Does Amazon Tell You if They Reject Your Application?

Amazon does not directly tell you if they reject your application.

And it’s important to note that Amazon reviews applications extremely quickly. In fact, most are assessed within 3-7 days of submission.

Therefore, if you applied but have not heard back from Amazon within 1 week, it’s highly likely that your application was denied.

However, although you won’t receive an email or phone call, you can usually tell your application was rejected as the status will be changed to “no longer under consideration.”

So the best way to find out if you have been rejected is to continually check the status of your online application.

Realistically, Amazon receives hundreds of thousands of applications every year. And while the job force is growing, it is simply inefficient for the company to respond directly to every application.

Common Reasons for Being Rejected at Amazon

Finally, if you were not called into interview or were rejected after your Amazon interview, there are essentially 4 reasons why this occurred:

  • Another candidate who applied was better suited for the position.
  • You did not possess the soft or technical skills needed for the job.
  • The interviewer did not think you would be the right fit for the team.
  • The position was already filled by the time your application was under review.

You should remember that the application process for Amazon is extremely competitive, as there are hundreds of thousands of applicants every year. 

But don’t lose heart! If you really think Amazon is the right place for you, you can reapply 6 months after being rejected.