How Does Apple Reject Candidates?

It can be quite frustrating to apply for a job, go through the interview process, and then never hear back!

So if you are waiting for a response from Apple, keep reading!

In this article, we are going to find out how Apple rejects candidates so that you have the information you need.

How Does Apple Reject Candidates?

After the interview process is complete, Apple rejects candidates either through a phone call or email from the HR department. Apple usually rejects candidates within 48 hours of their interview. And they will always inform you that you have not been selected for the job.


  • Apple will either call or email to reject candidates.
  • After an onsite interview, Apple will call to reject candidates within 48 hours.
  • No news is usually good news from Apple.

Now, we will step through all the details of how Apple rejects candidates. That way, you’ll learn what to expect after your interview.

 Does Apple Call to Reject Candidates?

The most common way that Apple rejects candidates is through a phone call.

Whether you have an onsite or remote interview, you will likely get a call from the HR department at Apple letting you know whether you did or did not get the job.

But you might be wondering: When does Apple call to reject? Or how far in the interview process do you have to be for Apple to call to reject?

And it’s actually quite clear cut: Apple calls to reject candidates after an interview has been completed.

That means that if you are stepping through the interview process but you have not yet had an interview, you will not be called to be rejected. Instead, it’s likely that you will receive a rejection email.

Does Apple Send Rejection Emails?

In addition to phone calls, Apple also sends rejection emails to candidates.

So let’s find out what is the difference between a rejection phone call and an email and when you can expect one or the other.

First, Apple sends an email to reject candidates if the company decides not to go forward with your application before the interview process.

If you have had an onsite or remote interview, you should expect a phone call either with a job offer or a rejection. But if you have not received a call for an interview, you should be looking through your email for a rejection letter.

The bottom line is that Apple will always inform you, one way or another, after you apply for a job.

How Fast Does Apple Reject Candidates?

The good news is that Apple candidates have reported that they got the rejection call within 48 hours of their last interview.

And one Apple employee even stated that they called an applicant just 1 hour after the interview with the rejection!

Within the many online forums which discuss Apple rejections, the general consensus is that no news is good news from Apple, as rejection calls or emails usually arrive quite quickly.

However, if you do not hear from Apple within one week of your interview with either a rejection, an invitation for a second interview, or an offer, you should call the HR department to find out what’s going on.

Does Apple Tell You If They Reject Your Application?

So, does Apple inform candidates that they are rejected? The simple answer is yes, Apple always informs you if they reject your application.

If you send in an application and Apple does not feel you are the right candidate for the position, they will likely send you an email within a few weeks that you were rejected.

On the other hand, you may get a follow-up email or phone call after sending in your application, as Apple may want more information from you.

However, you will likely still get an email rejection unless you make it to the interview stage. In this case, you will receive your rejection via a phone call.

Common Reasons for Being Rejected at Apple

Finally, you should understand that there are essentially 5 reasons why you may have been rejected at Apple:

  • There was a better candidate for the position.
  • You did not do as well in the interview as you thought.
  • You don’t have the experience required for the job.
  • The hiring manager didn’t think you’d be a good fit for the team.
  • You did not communicate your technical or soft skills as needed.

At the end of the day, there could be several reasons why you were rejected at Apple. But luckily, you will always be alerted via email or a phone call if you don’t get the job.