How Does Deloitte Reject Candidates?

Do you want to know if Deloitte informs candidates that they are rejected?

In this article, we are going to find out if Deloitte rejects candidates. And also how and when they do so!

How Does Deloitte Reject Candidates?

If Deloitte rejects candidates, they will do so via email. However, if you did not have a virtual or onsite interview, you should not expect a rejection email from Deloitte. And even if you did have an interview, they may only inform you if you got the job.


  • Deloitte does not call to reject candidates.
  • You may receive a rejection letter via email from Deloitte if you made it to the interview stage.
  • Deloitte will not tell you if they simply reject your application.

If you want to know more about how Deloitte rejects candidates and when they do so, read on!

Everything you need to know is in this article.

Does Deloitte Call to Reject Candidates?

The first thing you should understand is that Deloitte almost never calls to reject candidates.

However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. When it comes to being notified as to whether or not you got the job at Deloitte, it really depends on the personal preferences of the hiring manager.

You should understand that the only time you even might get a rejection phone call from Deloitte is if you have had an interview. And even then, it’s fairly uncommon.

So you should not be waiting by the phone for a rejection from Deloitte. But you may want to stay logged into your email.

Does Deloitte Send Rejection Emails?

Although Deloitte does not always notify candidates that they have been rejected, if they do, they do so via email.

Once again, you should not expect a rejection email from a Deloitte hiring manager unless you have met them personally during a virtual or onsite interview.

If you made it through the hiring process to the interview stage, it’s likely that you are not so patiently waiting for a response with either a rejection or a job offer.

But it’s important to understand that Deloitte’s hiring process is infamously slow. You could wait anywhere between 24 hours and 1 month for your rejection letter to arrive. That is, if you get one at all!

How Fast Does Deloitte Reject Candidates?

There is no clear-cut timeframe for how fast Deloitte rejects candidates. So it’s almost impossible to say when you will hear back after an interview.

Deloitte hiring managers claim that they try to inform an applicant within 24 hours after the interview as to whether or not they got the job.

However, previous applicants argue that this is almost never the case. In fact, some candidates waited as long as 2 months to hear they were rejected for the position.

There is no requirement for hiring managers to inform candidates that they have been rejected. And most Deloitte employees recommend reaching out to the hiring manager a few days after the interview to find out where you stand.

Does Deloitte Tell You if They Reject Your Application?

More than 500,000 people apply to work at Deloitte every year. Therefore, with such an incredible influx of applications, Deloitte does not tell each one that they were rejected.

Responding to half a million applicants is simply an inefficient way to run a business.

Of course, it can be extremely frustrating when you send in an application and hear nothing in return!

If you don’t hear anything after 1-2 months after applying to Deloitte, you can safely assume that you did not land the gig.

But the best way to find out if your application was rejected or is being considered is to contact the hiring manager personally.

Common Reasons for Being Rejected at Deloitte

Whether you received a rejection email or not, you are probably wondering why you didn’t get the job.

One of the unfortunate aspects of being rejected by Deloitte is that they don’t usually tell you the reason why.

So we created a list of the most common reasons for being rejected at Deloitte:

  • Deloitte chose another candidate. Even if you were a great fit for the role, someone else simply may have had more experience, better references, or a more successful interview.
  • You did not shine in the interview. Soft skills are just as important as technical skills. So even if your resume was impressive, if you did not connect in the interview, it may be why you were rejected.
  • You did not have ample experience in your field. If your resume did not show that you have the experience and technical skills required for the role, you were likely immediately rejected.

If you did have an interview with a Deloitte hiring manager and were rejected, you can absolutely ask them what you can do better next time. Or even directly why you were rejected.

However, unfortunately, if your application was denied and you were never in contact with the hiring team, you just may never know what went wrong.