How Does EY Reject Candidates?

EY is one of the largest professional services companies on the planet.

In fact, they receive over 2 million applications every year.

So let’s find out if and how EY rejects candidates.

How Does EY Reject Candidates?

EY almost always rejects candidates via email and very rarely with a phone call. However, you should not expect a rejection letter unless you make it through to the interview stage. EY does not inform you if they simply reject your online application.


  • EY typically takes between 2 days and 2 weeks to reject candidates.
  • How and when EY rejects candidates depends on how far they made it in the hiring process.
  • EY rarely calls to reject candidates; you are more likely to get a rejection letter via email.

In this article, we are going to dive into the details of how and when EY rejects its candidates.

And you’ll even learn why you were likely rejected if it happens to you.

Does EY Call to Reject?

EY does not often call to reject candidates. Although every hiring manager has a different personal preference, the general consensus from former EY candidates is that rejection phone calls are extremely rare.

However, the farther along you are in the hiring process at EY, the more likely you are to receive a rejection phone call.

So while you might get a rejection phone call after a final interview at EY, it’s far more common that you will receive an email instead.

Does EY Send Rejection Emails?

While EY does typically send rejection emails, they don’t send them to all applicants. So, how do you know if you should be checking your email for a rejection from EY?

Realistically, if you were contacted by a hiring manager and made it through at least the first round of interviews, you will get a rejection email.

And luckily, EY is known for a fairly efficient hiring process. But the rejection letter will likely arrive in your email about 2-3 weeks after your last interview.

However, you should understand that if you simply applied but were not seriously considered, you will not receive a rejection letter.

How Fast Does EY Reject Candidates?

How fast it takes EY to reject candidates really depends on the position you applied for. In addition to the preference of the hiring manager and how far you made it in the process.

That being said, most EY employees report that it takes between 2-3 weeks. And that is both for receiving a job offer or a rejection letter after the final interview.

If the hiring manager was not impressed with your skills after just the first onsite interview, you may hear back with a rejection letter much faster, such as 2-3 days later.

Does EY Tell You if They Reject Your Application?

Now, EY does inform candidates of rejection after an interview. But they do not tell you if they simply reject your application.

Realistically, EY has over 365,000 employees. And they receive more than 2 million applications every single year! So it would be incredibly inefficient for them to take the time to respond to every single one.

And unfortunately, EY does not offer an updated application status for candidates. Therefore, there is no way to officially know that EY rejected your application.

So if you don’t hear from anyone at EY within a few weeks of sending over your resume, you can assume you didn’t get the job.

Common Reasons for Being Rejected at EY

Even if you make it to the interview stage and get a rejection letter from EY, it’s highly unlikely that they will explain in detail why you did not make the cut.

Of course, if you have a good relationship with the hiring manager, you can always ask what went wrong and what you can do better next time.

But for your convenience, we’ve created a cohesive list of the most common reasons why you were rejected at EY:

  • Your resume didn’t impress. Sometimes, you simply don’t have the previous experience or technical skills required for the job you applied for. It’s also important to note that if you applied and do have the required experience and didn’t get asked to interview, you may want to reassess your resume.
  • EY chose another candidate before reviewing your application. It may just be a case of bad luck, and the position was filled before the hiring manager even got a chance to consider you.
  • The interview didn’t go exceptionally well. It’s important to remember that during the interview, you not only need to express what you can do and will bring to the table as an employee but also to let your personality shine through.

At the end of the day, you may never know exactly why you got rejected by EY. However, at least now you know how they reject candidates and what to expect if you apply.