How Does Facebook Reject Candidates?

When it comes to applying to Facebook, you may want to know: Does Facebook inform candidates that they are rejected?

In this article, we are going to answer this question, including if Facebook rejects over the phone or by email, so you know what to expect after applying.

How Does Facebook Reject Candidates?

Facebook does not always reject candidates directly. For most applications, Facebook will not let you know you did not get the job. However, if you make it to the interview stage, you could get a rejection email or phone call. But nothing is guaranteed.


  • If you do not hear from Facebook within 2 weeks of applying, you likely did not get the job.
  • Facebook does not tell you if they reject your application.
  • You may get a phone call or email rejection from Facebook if you made it to the interview stage.

Now, there is quite a lot more you need to know about how Facebook rejects candidates, so keep reading!

Does Facebook Call to Reject Candidates?

Although it is uncommon, Facebook does sometimes call to reject candidates.

Because so many people apply to Facebook every year, it would be an inefficient use of their staff to call all rejected applicants.

However, if Facebook called you for more information or to set up an interview, they may call to inform you of the rejection.

If you do get a call, it will likely be between 2 days and 2 weeks after the final interview.

It’s important to note that the rejection call is not guaranteed. You may receive an email instead or no notification at all!

If you don’t hear from Facebook within 2 weeks of the final interview, you can and should contact the hiring manager to confirm whether or not you were rejected.

Does Facebook Send Rejection Emails?

Next, it’s important to understand that Facebook doesn’t usually send rejection emails.

Once again, if you have simply applied for a position and have not heard from Facebook for more information or to set up an interview, then you did not get the job. And you won’t receive an email letting you know.

On the other hand, there is a chance that Facebook will send you a rejection email if you made it to the interview stage of the hiring process.

Realistically, there is no way to know whether you will receive a notification at all. And that is simply because every hiring manager has a different personal protocol.

But if you do not hear from Facebook in any way within 2 weeks of the interview, you should reach out to find out if you are still being considered.

How Fast Does Facebook Reject Candidates?

According to previous Facebook candidates, there is no real time frame for how fast Facebook rejects candidates.

If you made it through the interview process and are awaiting a job offer or rejection, it’s important to understand that the rejection may never come.

When applying to Facebook, no news is certainly not good news. Facebook usually contacts candidates between 2 days and 2 weeks after the interview to offer a job.

And if you are lucky enough to receive an email or phone call with the rejection, it will likely happen within that same period of time.

Therefore, if you do not hear back from Facebook within 2 weeks, you probably did not get the job.

Does Facebook Tell You if They Reject Your Application?

Unfortunately, Facebook does not tell you if they reject your application.

It may seem like Facebook is constantly hiring or at least looking for new applicants. But because the company receives over 250,000 applications every year, it simply cannot respond to every single one.

However, some Facebook employees report that you can check the status of your application within the “Jobs” tab of your Facebook profile.

If the status has not been updated, and you want to find out if your application has been rejected or if you are still being considered, you can attempt to contact the hiring manager. But of course, only if you have their email or phone number.

Common Reasons for Being Rejected at Facebook

Finally, if you were rejected at Facebook but didn’t receive a phone call or email stating the reason why, you are not alone.

Sometimes, the hiring manager will step through your application and interview with you. And they will describe why they didn’t feel you were the right fit for the position. But as you now know, sometimes they don’t notify you at all!

So let’s find out what are some of the most common reasons for being rejected at Facebook:

  • You don’t have the experience or skill set required for the role.
  • Facebook filled the position before assessing your application.
  • Your resume was incomplete or insufficient.
  • In the interview, you did not connect with the interviewer.
  • They did not think you would be a good fit with the team.

At the end of the day, it’s almost impossible to know why you didn’t get the job at Facebook unless you speak directly with the hiring manager.

But at least now you know how the company rejects candidates, so you can be prepared after sending in your application.