How Does Goldman Sachs Reject Candidates?

As one of the world’s leading investment banking companies, there is no shortage of people who want to work at Goldman Sachs.

And with all the applications they receive every year, you might be wondering: How does Goldman Sachs reject candidates?

How Does Goldman Sachs Reject Candidates?

Goldman Sachs rejects candidates either via email or with a phone call. However, both rejections by email and phone are reserved for candidates who made it through to the interview phase of the hiring process. Goldman Sachs does not notify most applicants who have been rejected.


  • It can take between 1 week and several months after an onsite interview to receive a rejection email from Goldman Sachs.
  • Goldman Sachs does not inform applicants they have been rejected unless they interview.
  • After the final interview, Goldman Sachs will either reject candidates via email or through a phone call.

Now, let’s dive into the details so that you understand exactly when and how Goldman Sachs rejects candidates.

Does Goldman Sachs Call to Reject Candidates?

Typically, Goldman Sachs does not call to reject candidates. However, that does not mean it’s unheard of.

It’s important to understand that if and how Goldman Sachs will notify applicants of rejection depends on how far the candidate made it in the hiring process, as well as the policy of the hiring manager.

If you applied to Goldman Sachs and made it through to the interview process, you will certainly be waiting to hear if you got the job or not.

You will certainly receive a phone call if you get the job. But there is a small chance that you will be called with a rejection notification.

Does Goldman Sachs Send Rejection Emails?

On the other hand, it is highly likely that Goldman Sachs will send the rejection via email.

Once again, it depends on the preferences of the hiring manager, as it is not required that they notify you of the rejection at all.

However, most Goldman Sachs candidates stated that they did receive an email rejection (but only if they made it through to the interview process.)

When it comes to understanding when you can expect a rejection letter, there is really no set time frame. Some candidates received the email only days after their last interview, whereas others had to wait for months!

And, of course, the rejection letter may never come. Therefore, if you had an interview with Goldman Sachs and haven’t heard back from the hiring manager within a few weeks, you probably didn’t get the job.

How Fast Does Goldman Sachs Reject Candidates?

It can take anywhere from a few days to a few months for Goldman Sachs to officially reject candidates.

Essentially, because Goldman Sachs is such a large company with a variety of departments, every application is handled slightly differently.

And with the influx of applications they receive, they may take much longer than you’d like to get back to you after a virtual or onsite interview.

If you did make it to the interview stage and haven’t received an offer or a rejection within 2 weeks, you should contact the hiring manager.

Hopefully, they can tell you directly if you were rejected, got the job, or are still considering their options.

Does Goldman Sachs Tell You If They Reject Your Application?

Now you know that Goldman Sachs does not always inform candidates if they were rejected after an interview. However, you should also understand that the company never sends out rejects to applicants who do not interest them.

Therefore, if you applied for a position and have heard nothing from the company requiring additional information or setting an interview time, you simply did not get the job.

It can be frustrating to send out resume after resume without any response. But the bottom line is that Goldman Sachs receives far too many applications to personally reject them all.

Common Reasons for Being Rejected at Goldman Sachs

And last but certainly not least, you may want to know why you were rejected at Goldman Sachs. Whether it was via email, over the phone, or with no notification at all.

It can be extremely frustrating to be rejected. Especially because the hiring manager at Goldman Sachs will hardly ever explain the reason for the rejection.

But these are a few of the most common reasons why applicants don’t get the job:

  • You didn’t prove you wanted the job. The banking industry is extremely competitive, and if you didn’t seem hungry enough, the job might have gone to someone who did.
  • In the interview, you didn’t connect with the team. Personality is important, almost as important as your previous experience! So if you did not let yourself shine in the interview, it may be why you were rejected.
  • You don’t have the experience or technical skills required. If your resume doesn’t show you have the prerequisites for the role, you probably won’t be called for an interview.
  • The job was filled before your application was assessed. Sometimes, it’s just bad luck, and someone got the job before you did, even if you were perfect for it!

If you really want to know why you were rejected from Goldman Sachs, you can attempt to contact and converse with the hiring manager.

But it’s important to remember that sometimes, you just didn’t make the cut. In which case, you can apply again in the future and hope for the best!