How Does Google Reject Candidates?

It can be extremely frustrating to apply for a job and never hear back!

So let’s find out how Google rejects its candidates, so you know what to expect if you applied.

How Does Google Reject Candidates?

Google rejects its candidates either via a phone call or email. However, it is not guaranteed that you will be informed of the rejection. But if you made it past the interview stage, you will receive a phone call or email with a rejection.


  • Google does not always inform candidates that they were rejected.
  • You might get a call or email with your rejection from Google.
  • Google informs candidates of rejection 1-2 weeks after the interview.

We have all the details of how Google rejects its candidates. So keep reading if you want to be an expert on the subject!

Does Google Call to Reject Candidates?

The first thing to understand is that while Google does sometimes call to reject candidates, they don’t always do so.

Google employees have reported that you will not get a rejection call from Google unless you have made it through the interview process. That means that if you just send in an application, you won’t get a call.

However, if you have been through the remote or onsite interview process at Google, you should expect a rejection or acceptance call within 1-2 weeks.

Usually, the HR department will call to let you know that you didn’t get the job. However, remember that if you did not make it through to the interview process, you should not be expecting a rejection call.

Does Google Send Rejection Emails?

On the other hand, you may get your Google rejection via email. Although this is far less common practice at Google, it’s not unheard of.

If you get a rejection email from Google, it usually occurs after you’ve applied but only if you are not asked to interview.

But unfortunately, there is no set timeline for when you can expect a rejection email from Google, as they don’t always send them!

You may get a rejection email 1 week to 2 months after you apply for a job at Google. However, Google states that if you have not received any information within 2 months, you should know that you did not get the job.

How Soon Does Google Reject Candidates?

How soon Google rejects its candidates depends on your specific application situation.

Essentially, if you have applied to Google but haven’t heard anything from the company within 2 months, the rejection is probably never going to come. You just didn’t get the job.

However, if you did receive a response from Google either asking for further information or inviting you to an interview, you will likely receive a rejection call or email.

And most employees have reported that Google will send out the rejection email or phone call between 1-2 weeks after the last interview.

It’s important to note that if you do not hear back after two weeks, you can and should send a polite email or phone call to the hiring manager to ask what’s happening in the process.

Does Google Tell You if They Reject Your Application?

Unfortunately, Google does not usually tell you if they reject your application either over the phone or by email.

So if you just applied and haven’t heard anything, you shouldn’t expect to. You probably just didn’t get the job.

Realistically, over 3 million people apply to Google every year. And only 20,000 get hired. Therefore, it is simply inefficient practice to reach out to more than a quarter of a million people who don’t even get through to the interview process.

The bottom line is that when it comes to applying to Google, no news is not good news.

Common Reasons for Being Rejected at Google

If you were rejected from Google, there are 5 common reasons why it happened:

  • Your resume did not show sufficient experience or skill set.
  • You were unprepared for the interview.
  • The hiring manager didn’t believe you had enough technical or soft skills for the job.
  • There was a better candidate for the position.
  • The position was filled before your application was reviewed.

But unfortunately, although Google will usually call or email with your rejection if you made it through the interview stage, they don’t often give the reason for rejection.

So while you will know that you don’t have a job at Google, you may never know why!