How Does IBM Reject Candidates?

If you want to know if IBM informs candidates that they are rejected, this is the article you were looking for.

Keep reading to find out if IBM rejects candidates and how if they reject over the phone or via email.

How Does IBM Reject Candidates?

IBM almost always rejects candidates through email. However, if you simply applied and IBM did not ask you to come in for an onsite or plan a virtual interview, then you probably won’t receive a rejection email. You just did not get the job.


  • IBM is notoriously slow at rejecting applicants; it can take between 2 weeks and several months to hear back after an interview.
  • IBM does not usually call to reject candidates.
  • You can expect a rejection email if you made it to the interview stage of the hiring process.

In this article, we are going to dive into the details of how IBM rejects candidates. So that you have all the information you need if you applied.

Does IBM Call to Reject Candidates?

The first thing to understand about how IBM rejects candidates is that they hardly ever do so with a phone call.

Although it isn’t unheard of, most IBM candidates report that they never received a rejection from the hiring manager via a phone call.

And that isn’t just for applicants who were never interviewed. Even those who did make it through to the interview stage did not get a phone call rejecting their application.

If the hiring manager does decide to call a candidate to notify them they have been rejected, it will likely occur around 2 weeks after the final interview.

Does IBM Send Rejection Emails?

Now, just because IBM doesn’t call to reject candidates doesn’t mean they don’t sometimes notify them. In fact, most IBM candidates reported that they received a rejection email instead.

The email notification is still not guaranteed. However, it is far more likely that you will receive one if you had at least one interview with IBM.

In fact, if you have not been interviewed, you should not expect a rejection email (or any notification at all!)

 If the hiring manager does decide to email you the rejection, it could arrive anywhere between 2 weeks and several months after your final interview.

How Fast Does IBM Reject Candidates?

When it comes to rejections or even job offers, there is no exact timeline from IBM.

Some candidates received word that they did or did not get the job within a few days after the final interview. Although others had to wait for months to hear back.

In fact, IBM employees and rejected candidates have stated that the IBM hiring process is infuriatingly slow. And actually, the best way to find out whether or not you have been rejected is to simply call or email the hiring manager directly to find out where you stand.

Does IBM Tell You if They Reject Your Application?

Next, you should understand that if you applied to IBM but they did not contact you for additional information or an interview, then you will not get a rejection email or phone call.

At the end of the day, it is simply inefficient for IBM to take the time to personally reject every applicant.

It is important to note that the IBM hiring process is considered slow compared to most companies. But the general consensus is that if you are patient and do make it through the process, IBM is a fantastic place to work.

Common Reasons for Being Rejected at IBM

Now you know that you may not be informed of your rejection from IBM. And even if you do, after the interview process, it may take several months to get it.

But it’s also important to know that even if you get a phone call or email, it’s highly unlikely that the hiring manager will explain why you were rejected.

So, if you are wondering why you didn’t get the job, you’re not alone. And here are a few common reasons for being rejected at IBM:

  • You didn’t connect with the hiring manager either over the phone or in the interview.
  • You don’t have the soft or technical skills needed for the position.
  • Your resume was incomplete or lacking.
  • The position was filled before your application was assessed.
  • The interviewer did not think you’d be the right fit for the team.

If you really want to know why you were personally rejected from IBM, you can and should ask the hiring manager if you get the chance to speak with them.

They do not have to notify you of the rejection or tell you why. But it doesn’t hurt to ask, as it may help you in the future if you want to reapply to IBM!