How Does JP Morgan Reject Candidates?

Are you wondering if JP Morgan informs candidates that they are rejected?

Then keep reading!

We are going to find out if and how JP Morgan rejects candidates in this article.

How Does JP Morgan Reject Candidates?

JP Morgan does not always reject candidates. In fact, it is more common that if you apply or even interview with the company, you will not hear back from them. Unless they require additional information or you receive an offer for the job.


  • As a candidate for JP Morgan, you should not expect rejection via email or phone call.
  • After an onsite interview, you may receive a rejection email, but it is not guaranteed.
  • JP Morgan does not tell you if they reject your application.

Now, we will step through the details as to when JP Morgan will call or email to reject its candidates.

You will also learn how fast JP Morgan will tell you if they reject your application. And even the common reasons why JP Morgan rejects candidates.

Does JP Morgan Call to Reject Candidates?

The first thing to note is that JP Morgan very rarely calls to reject candidates. Although it’s not unheard of, most JP Morgan applicants have reported that they did not get a call when they did not get the job.

That being said, JP Morgan is more likely to call to reject a candidate if they made it through the application process to the onsite interview. But you should not be expecting this call.

In fact, most JP Morgan candidates report that you should call the HR department after your interview. The hiring managers are not known for getting back to applicants in a timely manner.

Does JP Morgan Send Rejection Emails?

The more likely rejection that you will get through JP Morgan is via email. Although, once again, it is not guaranteed that you will get any notification at all if you are rejected.

Usually, if you simply apply to JP Morgan, you will not receive a rejection email.

However, if the hiring team reaches out for more information or you make it to the interview stage, you are more likely to receive an email stating that you were not chosen for the position.

If you are lucky enough to receive a rejection email from JP Morgan after you’ve applied, it will take at least 1-2 weeks to arrive.

How Fast Does JP Morgan Reject Candidates?

Unfortunately, there are many complaints from JP Morgan applicants about how long it takes to get a response after applying. 

And there is no real answer to how fast JP Morgan will reject candidates.  But you should certainly expect to wait at least 1-2 weeks before getting any kind of response.

However, the general consensus among applicants is that if you do not get word back within 2 weeks, it’s likely that you did not get the job.

Although, if you haven’t heard anything, you should absolutely call the HR department or hiring manager (if you’ve made it through to the interview stage) to find out whether or not you got the job.

Does JP Morgan Tell You if They Reject Your Application?

It should come as no surprise that JP Morgan does not tell you if they reject your application.

As they don’t always email or call to reject candidates after they made it to the interview stage, they certainly don’t take the time to reject all applicants who weren’t even selected to interview.

However, after you apply to JP Morgan online, you can check the status of your application by logging into your candidate profile.

If you were rejected, the status will automatically change and show that you did not qualify for the position. And you may receive an email notification stating the status change, but it’s not guaranteed.

Common Reasons for Being Rejected at JP Morgan

Finally, it’s important to understand that if JP Morgan rejected you, there are essentially 4 reasons why:

  • Your application did not portray that you had the skills or experience necessary for the position.
  • There was another candidate better suited for the job.
  • JP Morgan had already hired someone before looking at your application.
  • You did not succeed in showing your skills and personality in the interview.

But the bottom line is that, unfortunately, even if JP Morgan does reach out to reject you after you apply (which we now know is unlikely), they almost never express the reason for rejection.