How Long Does a Walmart Background Check Take?

Do you want to know how long it takes to get the results back from Walmart’s background check?

All the information you need is right here!

How Long Does a Walmart Background Check Take?

A Walmart background check should take 2-5 business days. However, every background check is a little different. If you have lived in several locations, or there isn’t sufficient information for your personal, employment, and criminal history, it could take over a week to get the results of your background check. 


  • Most Walmart background checks take between 2-5 days. 
  • Walmart is looking for criminal records, educational experience, and drug screening results in a background check. 
  • If your background check is taking longer than expected, it’s likely because the court staff is simply running behind. 

We are going to step through all your questions surrounding Walmart background checks right now! 

So read on! You’re going to be an expert in no time. 

Why Is My Walmart Background Check Taking So Long?

Although most pre-employment background checks, such as those at Walmart, take between 2-5 days to get results, you may find that your background check is taking a lot longer. 

So, let’s find out why your background check is taking so long! There are essentially 4 reasons why this is happening:

  • The most common reason why background checks take longer than normal is that the local court staff is simply backed up. 
  • Another reason is that if you have lived in several locations, the background check will always take more time. 
  • You may have entered your personal information incorrectly. If this is the case, they will reach out when they find the issue. 
  • Finally, it could be that they cannot find your information readily. This can occur if you lived in another state or country. 

If you think there may be a problem with your background check, you can reach out to the phone number or email you received when sending it in with any questions. 

How Do You Know if You Passed Walmart’s Background Check?

Now, the great news about background checks at Walmart is that once you send it in, there’s really nothing else you need to do. 

You will usually get an email when the results from your background check come in stating whether you passed or not. 

As well, Walmart will likely contact you almost immediately if you passed to start the onboarding process. 

What Does Walmart Look For in a Background Check?

Finally, most people want to know what Walmart is actually looking for when they ask for a background check. 

So, here are the things Walmart is looking for in a background check:

  • Criminal Records
  • Identity Confirmation
  • Educational Degrees
  • Charges and Pending Charges
  • Arrests
  • Outstanding Warrants
  • Sex Offender Registry
  • Drug Screening Results
  • Credit Score 

It’s important to note that most Walmart background checks go back 7 years, except for felony charges which appear even if they were decades ago. 

Whether or not Walmart will hire you with disappointing credit scores or after lying about your education is at the discretion of the hiring manager. 

However, Walmart doesn’t usually hire anyone with a criminal record of any kind and will never hire an applicant with a violent crime arrest. 


Walmart background checks usually take between 2-5 business days. 

However, your background check could take more than a week if you lived in several locations, out of state or out of the country, or if the local staff is running behind. 

Walmart is looking for your criminal record, drug screening results, to confirm your identity, and view your educational history. 

Once you pass Walmart’s background check, you will get an email, and Walmart will contact you to start the onboarding process.