How Long Does It Take To Get Hired at Walmart?

Do you want to find out how long it takes to get a job at Walmart, from turning in the application to actually getting hired?

Then keep reading! 

Because we have all the information on how long it takes to get hired at Walmart (including how long the individual steps take) right here. 

How Long Does It Take To Get Hired at Walmart?

It can take anywhere from 1 week to almost 6 months to get hired at Walmart after submitting your application. But the average employee gets hired in 1-2 weeks. After applying and being contacted, you take the assessment test, have two interviews, and if you pass everything, you’re hired!


  • Getting hired at Walmart usually takes 1-2 weeks. 
  • Sometimes, the hiring process at Walmart can take several weeks or even months.
  • Each of the 6 steps of the hiring process usually takes at least a few days. 

Below, we’ll elaborate on how long each step in Walmart’s hiring process takes.

Step 1: Applying to Walmart

The first step in getting a job at Walmart is applying! You can only apply to Walmart online or at an application kiosk, and once you apply, you cannot check the status of your application online. 

The application goes through the system, and eligible options are sent to HR representatives at the store you applied to. 

Now, this process happens almost immediately. However, how long it takes the employee to leaf through the applications really depends. 

Walmart might contact you within 2 days of applying, or it could be weeks or even months. 

It’s important to note that if you do not hear back from Walmart within 7 days after applying, you should call the Walmart you applied to and ask for the hiring manager. 

Walmart employees have reported that calling helps speed the process along and ensures Walmart knows you’re serious about the position. 

As well, if you do not hear from Walmart after turning in your application within 6 months, your application has expired. 

Step 2: Assessment Test

Now, if Walmart does contact you after you apply, they will ask you to complete the online assessment test. 

The assessment test should only take a few minutes, and you will see your results immediately after submitting it. 

If you pass the test, you are now eligible to be hired by Walmart. 

It usually takes Walmart 1-2 days after you’ve passed the assessment test to contact you to schedule the first interview. 

Step 3: First Interview

When the first interview happens depends on the scheduling options of the hiring manager and your personal schedule. 

But it’s important to note that if you can be accommodating and schedule the interview within the next few days, you are more likely to get hired at Walmart. 

Step 4: Second Interview

If you pass the first interview, you will be asked to schedule a second interview as quickly as possible. 

After the second interview, which should be only a few days after the first one, you will be asked to pass a drug test and a background check. 

Step 5: Background Check

Now, how long the background check will take depends on your personal information and how busy your local court staff is. 

However, most Walmart background checks take about 2-5 days. 

Once you’ve passed the background check, you are ready to finally be hired at Walmart!

Step 6: Onboarding

There is a 3-day orientation that all Walmart employees must complete before starting work. 

And after orientation, you will finally be on the schedule and start working at Walmart! 


From start to finish, it usually takes between 1-2 weeks to get hired at Walmart. 

However, it can take longer depending on the hiring manager at your local Walmart and how long each of the hiring steps takes to complete. 

Sometimes, it will take several weeks or even months from sending in your application to actually starting your first shift at Walmart. 

But in order to get the process started as quickly as possible, you should call your local Walmart hiring manager after sending in your application to show you are serious about the position.