How Long Does It Take To Hear Back From Facebook?

Do you want to find out how long it takes to hear back from Facebook after you apply? And how long you’ll have to wait between each step of the hiring process?

Then this is the article you have been looking for!

We have the Facebook Interview Process Timeline with all the details you need to know.

StepResponse Time
Applying1-2 Weeks
Phone Screening1-2 Weeks
Job Assessment Test1 Week
Phone or Video Interview1-2 Weeks
Final Onsite Interview2 Weeks

In general, the Facebook hiring process can take anywhere from 2-3 months. But it’s important to understand that how long each step will take depends on several factors.

These include the job you’re applying for, the hiring manager and team, and how many candidates they are considering for the position.

But although the timeline can greatly vary, we have the average Facebook response times here so you can at least know what to expect.

How Long Does it Take to Hear Back from Facebook After Applying?

After you apply for Facebook online, you should expect to wait anywhere from 1-2 weeks to hear back.

Unfortunately, Facebook does not notify you if your online application has been rejected. So, in this case, no news isn’t necessarily a good thing.

However, that doesn’t mean you should panic! It can take up to 2 weeks for the Facebook hiring team to review your resume. But if you do not hear back after 2 weeks, you can probably assume that you weren’t selected to continue.

How Long Does it Take to Hear Back from Facebook After Phone Screening?

If you are still under consideration, you will be contacted to schedule a phone screening. The phone screening is just a way for the hiring manager or team member to assess your soft skills.

And if they like your energy and personality, they will call or email you between 1-2 weeks later to let you know that you are still under consideration.

At this point in the process, and from now on, Facebook will email you to let you know if you were rejected for the position.

So now, no news is actually good news! And even if it takes more than 2 weeks to hear back, you can assume you’re still in the running.

How Long Does it Take to Hear Back from Facebook After the Job Assessment?

Not everyone has to take an online job assessment to get a job at Facebook. It depends on the position you are applying for.

But if you are required to take the online assessment, you should expect to wait about 1 week before hearing back.

If you did not pass the test, you will no longer be under consideration for the position. But luckily, Facebook will let you know if this occurs.

On the other hand, if you pass, then Facebook will ask you to schedule a phone interview with the hiring team 1 week later.

How Long Does it Take to Hear Back from Facebook After a Phone Interview?

The Facebook phone or video process can take up to a week to complete, as you may be asked to speak with several members of the team.

After the entire process is complete, it usually takes Facebook between 1-2 weeks to discuss your skills and personality with a hiring committee.

How long it will take the hiring committee to decide if they want to bring you in for a final interview depends on how many candidates they are considering.

However, once you have made it to this step in the process, you should understand that you are being seriously considered for the role.

In fact, Facebook will call or email to inform you that you are no longer under consideration. Therefore, if you haven’t heard back in a few weeks, it’s actually a good thing!

Although, if you are curious to know whether you are still in the running, you can reach out to the recruitment manager with a courteous email to find out.

How Long Does it Take to Hear Back from Facebook After the Final Interview?

Facebook receives more than a quarter of a million applications every year. So if you made it to the onsite interview stage, you should be extremely proud of yourself!

And although the process has likely been time-consuming and longer than you wanted it to be, you will have to wait just a little longer to hear back after the final interview.

In fact, it usually takes Facebook about 2 weeks after the onsite interview to let you know whether you got the job or not.

These two weeks can feel like forever. So if you’re feeling anxious, you can reach out to the hiring manager to find out if you’re still being considered.

At the end of the day, the entire hiring process at Facebook usually takes about 2-3 months. However, you should understand that if you’re applying for a more senior position, it could take even longer.