How Long Does It Take Walmart to Review Your Application?

If you’re wondering how long it will take Walmart to review your application, you are not alone!

So, let’s find out how long you will have to wait after applying to Walmart to hear from them. 

How Long Does It Take Walmart to Review Your Application?

How long it takes Walmart to review and approve your application depends on your application and the store where you are applying. Walmart might contact you within 2 or 3 days, or it may take several months. However, if it has been more than 6 months, your application has expired. 


  • Walmart’s application review process can take between 3 days and several months. 
  • After you apply to Walmart online, only the eligible applications will be sent to the HR representative. 
  • If your application is “under consideration,” it has moved through the first process, and you will likely get a phone call shortly. 

Now, if you want to understand how to check your Walmart application status, as well as how the application process actually works, read on! 

Everything you need to know is right here. 

How to Check Your Walmart Job Application Status

Here’s the thing, when you apply to Walmart, you must do so online. However, once you apply, you cannot check the status of the application online. 

Many people experience extreme frustration when attempting to check the status of their Walmart application, as the company does not make the process very easy. 

Now, you can attempt to check your Walmart job application status by calling the store you applied to and asking for the HR or personnel manager. 

But you should understand one thing: When you apply at Walmart online, the computer only sends applications through to HR or the personal office if it fits the guidelines. 

That means that the HR representative you contact may never have received your application. 

If they do have it, calling can help push your application process along. Most Walmart employees recommend calling regularly until you get a definitive answer on your application status. 

What Does “Under Consideration” Mean on Your Walmart Application Status?

If you do get a hold of a Walmart employee who is in charge of processing applications, they may tell you that the status of your Walmart application is “under consideration.”

When your Walmart application is “under consideration,” it means that they have reviewed the application and you are being considered for the position. 

So, if you get a response stating that your application is “under consideration,” it is a good thing! It may be that there are only a few other applications for one position that are being considered. 

And usually, if your application is “under consideration,” Walmart will contact you shortly to schedule the first interview. 

Walmart Application Process

Finally, it’s vital that you understand exactly how the Walmart application process works in order to increase your chances of getting the job! 

Here’s how the Walmart application process functions:

  1. You must apply online at
  2. Ensure you correctly enter all personal information and the Walmart store where you want to work. 
  3. The computer system will send eligible applications to the HR department at the store you applied to. 
  4. If the HR or personnel manager likes your application, it will be considered “under consideration.”
  5. You will get a call from Walmart anywhere from 3 days after you applied to a few months later.
  6. If you have not heard from Walmart after applying, you should call your local Walmart. Then ask to speak to the employee in charge of hiring. 
  7. Finally, if your application is accepted, you will be asked to go in for your first interview! 

That’s all there is to it. While applying to Walmart is actually quite easy, the process can be frustrating as there is no clear-cut wait time for how long it will take them to review it and contact you. 


It can take Walmart anywhere from 3 days to a few months to review an application. 

Realistically, once you apply to Walmart online, there is no way to check your application status on the internet. You must call the Walmart employee in charge of hiring to ask about the status of the application. 

Although the application process is simple, applying to Walmart can be frustrating as you don’t really know when the application will go through.