How Many Points Is a No Call No Show at Walmart?

Understanding Walmart’s attendance is vital to keeping your job!

Luckily for you, we are going to find out right now how many points you get for a no-call no-show right now.

And how many times you can miss a shift before getting fired. 

How Many Points Is a No Call No Show at Walmart?

Walmart’s no-call no-show policy states that you will get 2 points when you don’t show up for a shift without notifying your manager. And you can get 5 points before being fired. However, if you were hired within the last 6 months, 1 no-call no-show leads to termination from Walmart. 


  • A no-call no-show at Walmart is 2 points on your attendance record. 
  • If you have worked at Walmart for less than 6 months, Walmart will fire you after just 1 no-call no-show. 
  • You can get up to 5 points before being terminated from Walmart. 

Now, if you want to understand all the details of what happens when you forget to call in at Walmart, read on! 

You will have all the information you need in no time. 

What Should You Do if You Forgot to Call In at Walmart?

We all make mistakes. And if you simply forgot to call in at Walmart when you couldn’t make it into your shift, don’t worry! There are a few things you can do. 

First things first, you should immediately call your manager or direct supervisor and explain why you missed the shift. If you have a good reason, they may excuse the no-call no-show. And simply give you 1 point instead of 2 for missing the shift. 

If your manager isn’t understanding or you really didn’t have a good reason to miss the shift, you do have another option. 

You can use PPTO retrospectively to cover the shift you forgot to call into.

Unlike PTO, PPTO doesn’t need approval from a manager. Therefore, you can use your accumulated hours to cover the shift without being penalized with attendance points. 

If you don’t have any PPTO hours and your manager will not minimize the points, it’s still going to be okay! 

You can get up to 6 points before being fired from Walmart, according to the attendance policy. So if you don’t miss any more shifts or come late or leave early, you won’t get in trouble for just one no-call no-show. 

Will Walmart Call You if You Don’t Show Up for a Shift?

Now, the next question many employees ask is if Walmart will call you if you don’t show up for a shift. 

And there really is no clear-cut answer. Your Walmart manager might call you if you don’t show up for a shift, but they might not. 

If your manager notices right away, they may call you to find out if you are coming in. 

As well, if it is a busy day or if they are understaffed, you will likely get a call from your manager.

How Many No Call No Shows Can You Make at Walmart Before Getting Fired?

How many no-call no-shows you can make at Walmart without getting fired depends on your attendance record. As well as how long you’ve worked at Walmart and your general work ethic. 

If you have worked for Walmart for less than 6 months, it is highly likely that you will get fired at Walmart with just one no-call no-show. 

However, if you have worked at Walmart for more than 6 months, the policy is much more lenient. 

There is no set amount of no-call no-shows you can have before being fired from Walmart. But, you can only get 6 attendance points within a 6-month period. 

You can get points at Walmart for several reasons. They include being late, leaving early, calling your manager and missing a shift, and no-call no-shows. 

So, even if you only have one no-call no-show on your record, but you were continuously late, you could be fired.


A no-call no-show at Walmart is 2 points on your attendance record.

New employees at Walmart can be fired for only one no-call no-show. But employees of more than 6 months can get up to 6 occurrence points before being terminated. 

Your manager might call you if you don’t call or show up for a shift. But they might not!

If you do forget to call Walmart when you miss your shift, call your manager immediately.