How to Call in Sick at Costco

No one enjoys being sick. But if you are, you need to know how to call in if you work at Costco.

So let’s find out how to do so!

How to Call in Sick at Costco

To call in sick at Costco, you need to call your warehouse directly and speak with your manager. You can call in sick 3 times per year at Costco without being penalized. To avoid disciplinary action, you should call in at least 1 hour before your shift.


  • Phone number for calling in sick at Costco: Find your warehouse number online and press #1 to connect to the administration office.
  • You need to call in sick to Costco at least 1 hour before your scheduled shift.
  • Costco gives employees 3 sick days per calendar year.

In this article, we will discuss Costco’s attendance policy in detail. So you’ll know exactly how early before your shift you should call in sick. As well as what happens if you call in sick too late and even what you say when calling in sick!

Can You Get Fired for Calling in Sick at Costco?

While you can get fired from Costco for calling in sick, there are several steps that will happen before this occurs.

When you work at Costco, you are allowed 3 sick days every year. And after you have worked at Costco for more than 90 days, you start accumulating sick pay. That means that you may be able to get paid even if you need to call in sick!

However, it’s important to note that if you call in sick more than 3 times, you will first get a verbal warning. And then a written warning from your manager.

If you continue to call in sick even after disciplinary action, you may be terminated.

Can Costco Force You to Work if You Are Sick?

Now, if you have already called in sick to Costco 3 times this year, Costco can try to force you to work even if you are sick.

While, of course, they cannot actually make you come in, they can threaten disciplinary action or even termination if you don’t.

Usually, it depends on your personal relationship with your manager. If you are a dependable and responsible employee, they may let it slide.

However, if you are already on thin ice, or they don’t believe you are truly sick, they could ask you to come in anyway.

One way to ensure your manager does not try to force you to work when you’re sick is to know what you should say when calling in sick.

You should always tell the truth. And, of course, be specific about your symptoms and say, “I cannot come in today because I am coughing, vomiting, have a fever… etc.”

But Costco is more likely to allow you to stay home if you have infectious symptoms such as a cough or fever.

How Many Sick Days Do You Get at Costco?

You technically get 3 sick days when you work at Costco per calendar year. You can use sick pay to still get paid when you call in. But the number of times you can call in does not change whether you get paid or not.

So what should you do if you are out of sick days?

If you are out of sick days at Costco, you can use your accumulated PTO.

And in this case, it won’t be considered a sick day, and you won’t get in trouble! It can be frustrating to use your PTO if you’re under the weather. But it is necessary if you’re out of sick days and don’t want to face disciplinary action.

What Happens if You Make a “No Call, No Show” at Costco?

You should always call in sick to Costco if you won’t be present for your shift. If you don’t, it’s considered a no-call, no-show, which can lead to a written warning and even termination.

Costco requires that you call in sick at least 1 hour before your shift is scheduled to begin. But even if you’re running late or forget to call ahead of time, you should still call as soon as you can!

Because if you call in exactly when your shift is scheduled to start, it won’t count as a no-call, no-show.

Many Costco employees want to know how to call in sick when the store is closed.

In this case, you should still call your warehouse directly and press #1 to be transferred to the administration office. Then, follow the prompts to leave a message. You should state your employee number, name, department, scheduled time of shift, and explanation as to why you can’t come in.

At the end of the day, even if you are out of sick days or are calling in late, calling your manager or store as quickly as possible is always the best way to stay out of trouble at Costco.