How to Call in Sick at CVS

Do you work at CVS and need to know how to call in sick? Realistically, it happens to everyone at some point.

So if you want to find out how to call in sick at CVS and ensure you don’t get in trouble, keep reading!

How to Call in Sick at CVS

To call in sick at CVS, contact your manager directly as soon as you know you won’t be there for your shift. You should call in sick at CVS at least 2 hours before your shift. While CVS cannot force you to work if you’re sick, they can terminate you.


  • Phone number for calling in sick at CVS: Find your store number online and call directly to speak to your manager.
  • CVS can fire you for calling in sick.
  • You need to use PTO to call in sick at CVS if you are out of sick days.

In this article, we will find out if you can get fired for calling in sick at CVS. As well as how many sick days you’ll get and what happens if you make a no-call no-show.

Can You Get Fired for Calling in Sick at CVS?

According to CVS’s attendance policy, you can get fired for calling in sick. However, most CVS employees report that it is fairly uncommon to be terminated for calling in sick.

Essentially, you can accumulate up to 11 attendance points over the year before you are even at risk of termination.

Employees accumulate points in the following ways:

  • 1 point for calling in sick.
  • .5 points for leaving early or arriving late.
  • 3 points for a no-call no-show.

Therefore, you will not get fired for calling in sick to CVS just once or twice.

Although, it is important to note that if you continually call in sick in a short period of time or do so incorrectly, you could receive verbal or written warnings from your manager. Which, in turn, could lead to termination before you reach 11 points.

To avoid issues with management when calling in sick, you need to follow these guidelines:

  • You need to call in at least 2 hours before your shift’s scheduled start time.
  • If you call in sick too late, it could count as a no-call no-show or lead to disciplinary action.
  • When you call in sick to CVS, it’s vital that you are clear and concise about your symptoms. I.e., “I have a terrible cough and don’t want to infect my fellow coworkers or customers.”

If you follow these guidelines, you don’t need to worry about being fired for calling in sick to CVS.

Can CVS Force You to Work if You Are Sick?

Of course, you can call in sick to CVS, and they cannot legally make you work if you are sick.

However, if you do not give enough notice, your manager does not believe you are sick, or you have surpassed your attendance points, they can threaten disciplinary action or termination if you refuse to come in.

Therefore, it is extremely important that you follow the guidelines listed above. And hopefully, your manager does not try to force you to work if you are sick.

How Many Sick Days Do You Get at CVS?

While the CVS attendance policy is quite cut and dry, there is no exact amount of sick days stated.

What it does say is that you can accumulate 11 attendance points before termination. This means that you can call in sick 11 times a year if you are never late or leave early from your shift.

However, if you attempt to call in sick several times in a short period of time, your manager may inform you that you are out of sick days.

So, what should you do if you are out of sick days? If you are out of sick days at CVS, you need to use your PTO (paid time off.)

If you don’t have any accumulated PTO to use when you are sick, you will face disciplinary action via a verbal or written warning if you do not come in for your shift.

What Happens if You Make a “No Call, No Show” at CVS?

Finally, if you make a no-call no-show at CVS, you will automatically receive 3 points against your attendance record. And you could be let go.

Usually, if you have worked at CVS for several years and are a reliable employee, you will not get fired for a no-call no-show. Especially if you have a good relationship with your manager and can explain what happened.

However, if you have only worked with the company for a few months, you could very well be terminated for missing a shift.

Therefore, you need to know how to call in sick When the store is closed.

If you are scheduled to open at CVS, and you cannot contact your manager through the direct store line at least 2 hours before the shift as the store is closed, you need to call your manager on their personal number.

It is highly recommended that all CVS employees save their managers’ numbers on their phones.

At the end of the day, a no-call no-show is far worse for your career than calling in sick. So you need to do anything you can to contact your manager if you are sick.