How to Get Promoted at Walmart [Full Guide]

If you work at Walmart and want to figure out how to get promoted, this is exactly the article you were looking for! 

We are going to find out how Walmart’s promotion ladder works. And even how long you have to be with Walmart to get a promotion. 

So read on for all the information you need. 

How to Get Promoted at Walmart

To get promoted at Walmart, you should be a hard worker, dedicated to the company, a team player, and willing to take on extra responsibility. Realistically, there’s no secret to getting promoted at Walmart. If you work there for 6 months and take your job seriously, you can move up!


  • There is no secret to getting promoted at Walmart.
  • You can be promoted after working for 6 months at Walmart and whenever they need you after that! 
  • To get promoted quickly at Walmart, you should work hard and prove your worth. 

Now, we’re going to dig into the details of how often you can get promoted at Walmart. As well as a few tips and tricks to increase your chances of getting a promotion! 

How Often Do You Get Promoted at Walmart?

The first question that many Walmart employees ask is how often they can get a promotion. 

And realistically, there is no promotion cycle at Walmart. Because every store has different employees and staffing needs, it all depends on where you work. 

For example, in some cases, a Walmart employee who was only recently promoted to assistant manager might get the manager job within only a few weeks or months if the manager decides to leave the store. 

However, there is a minimum amount of time that you need to work at Walmart before you can get the first promotion. 

Can You Be Promoted Before Six Months at Walmart?

Almost every article and report from Walmart employees states that you cannot be promoted before 6 months at Walmart. 

That being said, there are certainly some exceptions to that rule. Once again, how quickly you get promoted at Walmart completely depends on what your store needs at the time. 

Therefore, if your store needs a new supervisor, shift leader, or assistant manager before your 6-month mark, but you have proven that you are an exceptional employee, you might just get the job! 

However, even though it is possible to get promoted early, you should expect to have to work at Walmart for at least 6 months before being considered for a promotion. 

How Hard Is It to Get Promoted at Walmart?

The next question on everyone’s mind is how hard it is to get promoted at Walmart. And the truth is that the answer isn’t that cut and dry. 

While many Walmart employees would say it’s exceptionally difficult to get promoted at Walmart, others state that it’s actually quite easy! 

The reason why the responses are so varied is that there is no set of rules that state who can and will get promoted. It’s all about the individual! 

Although, it is important to understand that, statistically speaking, there are plenty of opportunities to get promoted at Walmart. 

Here is Walmart’s data on company promotions:

  • Around 500 Walmart associates are promoted every day. 
  • More than 75% of Walmart’s management started as hourly associates. 

Now, if you want to be one of the associates in these statistics, there are a few tips to get promoted that you should be aware of. 

Tips on How to Get Promoted Quickly at Walmart

Not everyone at Walmart will be promoted. But a large number of associates in every store will make it to the management level. 

So, if you want to get promoted quickly at Walmart, here are a few tips you should know:

  • Make Walmart a career path. It’s important that your manager understands that you’re not just there to punch in and out but truly want to make working at Walmart a career!
  • Be a team player. An important part of being a leader is being able to be a part of the team. So even before you land a leadership role, you should show that you work well with others. 
  • Arrive on time and ready to work. Walmart promotes those employees who don’t arrive late, leave early, call out sick, or arrive to work tired or unexcited to be there. 
  • Take initiative. If you want to get promoted, you should show your manager just that! You can and should actively talk about your excitement about being a Walmart supervisor or manager. As well as do what you can to show initiative in your current position. 
  • Be willing to take on more responsibility. Even if it’s not in your current job title, Walmart loves to see employees willing to take on responsibility. That could mean staying late, helping with orientations, or facilitating new ideas within your department. 

Overall, you should always work your absolute hardest in whatever role you currently have. This will show the management at your store that you’re serious about your job and want to do it well! 


If you want to get promoted at Walmart, you should have a solid work ethic, make Walmart your career path, and be ready for extra responsibility whenever it may come. 

The bottom line is that there is no secret to getting promoted at Walmart; you simply have to want it and be good at your job! 

It can be easy, or it can be challenging to be promoted at Walmart. It all depends on your devotion to the company. As well as what your store needs and how likely your manager is to promote you. 

While you probably won’t get promoted at Walmart before you have worked there for at least 6 months, exceptions do occur.