Is It Easy to Get a Job at Walmart?

If you’re thinking about applying to Walmart, you are probably wondering: Is it easy to get a job at Walmart?

Keep reading to find out how easy it is to get hired at Walmart and a whole lot more! 

Is It Easy to Get a Job at Walmart?

It is considered easy to get a job at Walmart! Stores are frequently hiring, and no experience is needed for most jobs. Once you apply to Walmart, you will likely get hired within 1-2 weeks. All you need to do is pass an assessment test, background check, and drug test. 


  • It can be very easy to get a job at Walmart. 
  • You don’t need previous experience to work at Walmart. 
  • It usually takes 1-2 weeks to start working at Walmart once you’ve applied. 

Now, we are going to dive into the details of getting hired at Walmart, including how long it takes and some tips to increase your chances. 

How Easy Is It to Get Hired at Walmart?

First, let’s talk about how easy it is to get hired at Walmart! And there are a few factors to consider when answering this question. 

Because there are thousands of Walmart stores and warehouses with hundreds of employees needed for each one, it is considered easy to get hired at Walmart. 

And during the holidays, Walmart hires thousands of extra hands that will have the opportunity to stay on as full or part-time workers. 

However, because Walmart is such a popular job to have, the store receives more than 23,000 applications every year. 

So, although Walmart is always hiring, they actually only take on about 2.6% of the applications they receive. 

Whether or not it will be easy for you to get a job at Walmart depends on if your store currently needs staff, if you apply for the positions they’re looking to fill, and if you can pass the assessment test, background check, and drug test. 

If you tick all these boxes, you will most likely be hired at Walmart very easily! 

Does Walmart Hire on the Spot?

Now, the next question many Walmart applicants ask is how quickly they can get hired. 

While the hiring process at Walmart usually takes between 1-2 weeks (and can take several weeks or months, depending on the situation), you could be hired on the spot at your interview!

When you apply to Walmart online, your application gets sent to the hiring manager at your Walmart. They will then contact you to take an assessment test online and come in for your first interview. 

Sometimes, the hiring manager will have several people in the interview so that you don’t have to schedule a second interview. If this occurs and you are a qualified candidate, you may be offered the job at the interview. 

From there, you simply need to pass the background check and drug test before attending orientation and starting work at Walmart! 

Do You Need Experience to Work at Walmart?

Another great thing about working at Walmart is that you don’t need any previous experience to get hired. 

Walmart is only looking for trustworthy employees who are ready and willing to work. But while they don’t require any experience, having some could help push your application to the top of the pile. 

Tips to Increase Your Chance of Getting Hired at Walmart

Finally, we have a few tips here to increase your chance of getting hired at Walmart! 

Here’s what you can do:

  • Ensure your personal, educational, and occupational information is correct on your application and background check. 
  • If you are called to complete the assessment test and schedule an interview, you should go in as soon as possible. 
  • Go to the interview prepared and answer the questions honestly.
  • If you do not get a call from Walmart after sending in your application, you should call the hiring manager at the store where you applied to show you are serious about the position. 

Realistically, if you have a good work ethic and truly want to work at Walmart, just make sure that the HR or personnel employee in charge of hiring knows that!


It can be quite easy to get a job at Walmart as they are almost always hiring, and you don’t need any experience to get the job!

To be hired at Walmart, you need to pass the assessment test, background check, and drug test. As well as impress the hiring manager in your interview. 

Although Walmart hires thousands of employees every year, only 2.6% of applicants actually get a job. So you need to make sure you stand out and show how much you want to work at Walmart!