Walmart Attendance Policy [All You Need to Know]

If you work at Walmart or are considering applying for a job, you need to know all about Walmart’s attendance policy! 

And luckily, we have it all right here. 

Walmart Attendance Policy

Walmart’s attendance policy states that employees must show up on time every shift. If you cannot come in, you can use PTO or PPTO and not be penalized. However, if you don’t use paid time off, you’ll receive points against you for tardiness or absences. 6 points result in termination.


  • Walmart has a strict attendance policy in which employees must show up on time and stay for the duration of their shifts. Or else they will be warned and then penalized. 
  • You can get 6 points at Walmart before being fired; points are allotted for tardiness and non-PTO absences. 
  • You can use PTO or PPTO for time off or be late for work without getting points. 

Now, we are going to dig a little deeper into the details of Walmart’s attendance policy so that you can stay employed! 

What Does Walmart’s Attendance Policy Say About Leaving Early?

First things first, it’s important to understand that Walmart’s attendance policy is extremely strict.

And it doesn’t just apply to missing work. You will also get points on your record if you are late for work, leave early, or are missing in action during your shift. 

So, what does Walmart’s attendance policy say about leaving early? 

If you leave within 10 minutes of the end of your shift, you will receive ½ of a point against you. And if you leave more than 10 minutes before the end of the shift, you get 1 full point. 

The same point system applies to arriving late: ½ of a point for 10 minutes or less and 1 full point for more than 10 minutes. 

If you miss a full day of work, you get 1 full point. However, if you miss a day during an important sales day, such as Black Friday or a holiday, you will receive 2 points. 

How Many Days Can You Miss at Walmart Before Being Fired?

Technically, you can miss 6 days of work at Walmart before being fired. But that is only if you are never late and never leave early.

The point system for Walmart’s attendance policy says that you can and will be fired after accumulating 6 points. 

And because you can get ½ points for being late or leaving early, or get 2 points on holidays, they can add up quite quickly! 

Therefore, you could actually be fired without ever missing a whole day of work at Walmart. 

However, you should understand that points are dismissed after 6 months. So, as long as you’re not late or miss several days of work within a 6-month period, you don’t need to worry about getting enough points to be terminated. 

What Is Considered an Excused Absence at Walmart?

The next aspect of the Walmart point system is that you will still receive 1 point even if you alert your manager ahead of time. In fact, a no-call no-show is actually 2 points against you! 

The only way to get around Walmart’s attendance policy and not be penalized for being late or missing a shift is to use your PTO or PPTO for any unforeseen occurrences.

Here are the excused absences that you can use PTO or PPTO for:

  • Bereavement
  • Sickness
  • Vacation
  • Personal Days
  • Pregnancy
  • Medical Appointments
  • Emergency

Luckily, unexcused absences are rare and only occur when:

  • You do not inform your manager or direct superior ahead of time. 
  • You informed your manager, but the time off was not approved. 

Also, you should know that if you have an emergency and do not have time to get your time off approved ahead of time, you can use your PPTO (Protected Paid Time Off) retrospectively. As long as you have enough hours accumulated to cover the time. 

Is Walmart’s Attendance Policy Different for New Hires?

Finally, many Walmart employees wonder if the attendance policy is different for new hires. 

And the answer is no, the attendance policy is not different for new hires at Walmart. 

Walmart’s new attendance policy was implemented in 2019 with the point system in order to keep all employees, new and seasoned, arriving to work on time, staying for the duration of the shift, and not missing a shift without using PTO or PPTO to excuse the absence. 


Walmart’s attendance policy states that all employees must be on time for their shifts, not leave early, and not miss a shift without using PTO or PPTO to excuse the tardiness or absence. 

A point system is used at Walmart to ensure employees are adhering to the attendance policy. 

Everyone, even new hires, receives ½ a point for being less than 10 minutes late for their shift or leaving less than 10 minutes early. And 1 point is given for missing a shift without using PTO or PPTO. 

You can be fired from Walmart for accumulating more than 6 points in 6 months.