Walmart Break Policy [Complete Overview]

Do you want to know how many breaks you get at Walmart? Or maybe if you can skip breaks and leave early?

Then read on! 

We have absolutely everything you need to know about Walmart’s break policy right here. 

What Is Walmart’s Break Policy?

Walmart’s break policy states that employees are required to take a 15-minute paid break for every 4 hours they work and a 30-minute lunch break if they work more than 6 hours. Rest breaks and lunch breaks are mandatory at Walmart. 

4-hour shifts: 1 Paid 15-Minute Break

5-hour shifts: 2 Paid 15-Minute Breaks

6-hour shifts: 1 Paid 15-Minute Break & 1 (Optional) Unpaid 30-Minute Lunch

7-hour shifts:  1 Paid 15-Minute Break & 1 Unpaid 30-Minute Lunch

8-hour shifts: 2 Paid 15-Minute Breaks & 1 Unpaid 30-Minute Lunch

9-hour shifts: 2 Paid 15-Minute Breaks & 1 Unpaid 30-Minute Lunch

10-hour shifts: 2 Paid 15-Minute Breaks & 1 Unpaid 30-Minute Lunch

If you want to understand Walmart’s lunch break policy, as well as if Walmart will pay you for breaks, and a whole lot more, keep reading! 

This article has it all. 

What Is Walmart’s Lunch Break Policy?

It’s important to understand the difference between 15-minute rest breaks and 30-minute lunch breaks at Walmart. 

While 15-minute breaks are paid, the 30-minute lunch breaks are not paid. Therefore, according to policy, you must clock out and back in after you take 30 minutes to eat and relax. 

You should know that according to federal law, Walmart cannot pay you for your lunch break. And that’s because you cannot be responsible for anything during that time. So although it may be annoying, it’s really not Walmart’s call. 

Now, you may be wondering if you can skip your lunch break and, therefore, not miss 30 minutes of your daily payment. 

Unfortunately, all breaks, both 15-minute rests and 30-minute lunch breaks, are mandatory at Walmart. And the reason why is to ensure Walmart doesn’t get sued for making employees work without breaks. 

Although you may say you would never blame Walmart for intentionally skipping your break, Walmart cannot take that chance. 

NOTE: In some states, the 30-minute unpaid lunch break is optional for 6-hour shifts. However, any time you work more than 6 hours, Walmart requires that you clock out for at least 30 minutes.

What Is Walmart’s Break Policy for Minors?

Within Walmarts hundreds of thousands of employees, there are quite a few minors.

You may already know that you can work at Walmart from as young as 16 years old. But you might be curious if minors have a different break policy than adults. 

The only way in which Walmart’s break policy for minors differs from that for adults is that minors are required to take a 30-minute lunch break if they work for 5 hours. As opposed to adults, where it’s only required if they work more than 6 hours. 

Other than that, minors still follow the same guidelines as adult employees, meaning they get a 15-minute paid break for every 4 hours worked, and all breaks are mandatory. 

Can You Shop During Your Breaks at Walmart?

Now that you understand that you must take breaks at Walmart, you might want to know if you can get your shopping done during that time! 

So here’s the deal: You can shop on your breaks at Walmart. Whether you just want to buy food and drinks for your snack or lunch or you need a few things for the home, you can use your breaks to purchase items from Walmart. 

However, there are a few rules you need to be aware of. 

In order to shop at Walmart during your breaks, you need to take your vest and name tag off so that customers don’t get confused and ask for help. 

Legally, you are not allowed to work while on break at Walmart. Walmart, and consequently, you can get into a lot of trouble if you get caught working while on break. 

Therefore, while you can wander around the store and shop, you need to be careful to only act like a customer, not an employee. 

Does Walmart Pay You for Your Breaks?

Also, most Walmart employees want to know if Walmart will pay them for the breaks they are required to take. And the answer is yes and no, depending on the break

Walmart will pay you for all 15-minute breaks. So whether you only have 1 during a short 4-hour shift or 2 during an 8-10 hour shift, you will still be paid during that time!

However, Walmart does not pay you for 30-minute lunch breaks. And while it may seem frustrating that you have to take 30 minutes out of your hourly wage every time you work more than 6 hours, Walmart is just following the law. 

Legally, Walmart cannot pay you for lunch breaks as employees cannot do any work during that break. 

Can Walmart Force You to Take a Break?

Finally, can Walmart force you to take a break? They can, and they always will. 

All Walmart breaks are mandatory. And your manager or supervisor will usually ensure that you take your breaks on every shift. 

However, you need to know that even if management forgets to remind you, you still need to take your designated breaks. 

If you don’t take either your 15-minute or 30-minute breaks, you will be verbally warned, then coached, and you might even receive disciplinary action if you continue to do so. 


According to Walmart’s break policy, all breaks are mandatory. Employees receive a 15-minute break for every 4 hours they work, and a 30-minute lunch break for every shift over 6 hours. 

All 15-minute breaks are paid, whereas all 30-minute meal breaks are not compensated. And although you may want to skip the 30-minute meal so that you keep making money, legally, you can’t. 

Walmart can force you to take a break. But even if your manager forgets to remind you of your break, you must ask to take it. Because if you skip it, you could receive disciplinary action.