Walmart Doctor’s Note Policy

Do you work at Walmart and want to understand Walmart’s doctor’s note policy?

Then you found exactly the article you were looking for! 

We’re going to dive into all the details of Walmart’s doctor’s note policy right now so that you have all the information you need. 

Walmart Doctor’s Note Policy

Walmarts doctor’s note policy is essentially non-existent. The company does not have to, nor does it often accept doctor’s notes as a form of an excused absence from work. If you need to go to the doctor or take time off for sick leave, you must use PTO or PPTO.


  • Walmart does not accept doctor’s notes for sick leave or appointments. 
  • You can still get a point at Walmart if you have a doctor’s note. 
  • There is no way to get an excused absence from Walmart. 

If you want to understand what happens when you miss work at Walmart due to a doctor’s appointment or being sick, read on! 

Everything you need to know is right here.

Does Walmart Still Give You a Point if You Have a Doctor’s Note?

Although it is fairly common knowledge that Walmart doesn’t accept doctor’s notes as a way to excuse an absence, many employees want to know if Walmart can give you a point for being sick. 

And unfortunately, the answer is yes. Walmart can, and probably will, still give you a point even if you have a doctor’s note. 

Walmart’s attendance policy clearly states that if you are late for work, leave early, or miss a shift without using PTO or PPTO, you will get an occurrence point on your record. 

So, even if you have a doctor’s note stating that you cannot work for any reason, you still must use paid time off or protected paid time off if you don’t want a point for missing work at Walmart. 

This policy, or lack thereof, is a huge complaint amongst Walmart employees and many want to know why this is the system in place.

Why Doesn’t Walmart Take Doctor’s Notes?

At the end of the day, there is no good reason why Walmart doesn’t take doctor’s notes and excuse absences due to sick leave. 

The company has not made a statement on the policy, but most people believe that Walmart simply doesn’t trust its employees enough to accept doctor’s notes. 

Essentially, the idea is that an employee could quite easily fake a doctor’s note. And Walmart does not want to encourage or allow employees to use this system to get out of work without paying for it in some way. 

That’s why you must use PTO or PPTO if you are sick from Walmart: To discourage employees who aren’t actually sick from taking unnecessary time off. 

Can Walmart Fire You While on Medical Leave?

The next question employees typically ask is whether or not Walmart can fire you while you’re on medical leave.

And once again, the sad answer is that, yes, Walmart can definitely fire you while on medical leave. 

It’s important to understand that Walmart can technically fire an employee for almost any reason it sees fit (except for your race, religion, sexuality, gender, or anything else about who you are.)

They specifically hire employees without a contract so that they can terminate without notice as they see fit. 

So, if you are sick for a prolonged period of time and either use PTO, PPTO, or somehow get medical leave from Walmart, you can absolutely be fired for missing too much work. 

Is There Any Way to Get Excused Absence From Walmart?

Finally, because even sick leave and doctor’s notes are not considered excused absences from Walmart, employees want to know if there is any way to get an excused absence from Walmart. 

According to Walmart’s attendance policy, there is no way to get an excused absence from Walmart unless you are on maternity or paternity leave. 

So unless you are having a baby and have applied and been approved for maternity or paternity leave, there is no way to miss work at Walmart without getting points against your attendance without using PTO or PPTO. 

While there are quite a few benefits of working at Walmart, the fact that there are no excused absences is extremely frustrating for most Walmart employees. 


There is no Walmart doctor’s note policy. The company does not accept doctor’s notes for missing work in any capacity. 

If you are late for work, have to leave early, or miss a shift due to a doctor’s appointment or if you are sick, it is considered an absence and you will get an occurrence point on your record unless you use PTO or PPTO to cover it. 

The bottom line is that unless you are on maternity or paternity leave, there is no excused absence from Walmart. And you can absolutely be fired for missing too much work due to being sick.