Walmart Full-Time Minimum Hours [All You Need to Know]

Do you want to know how many hours you need to work at Walmart to be considered full-time? 

Then keep reading!

We are going to learn all about Walmart’s full-time minimum hours requirement, as well as if you can switch from full-time to part-time if you can’t meet that minimum right now. 

Walmart Full-Time Minimum Hours

The minimum weekly hours you can work at Walmart while still being considered a full-time employee is 34. When you are hired at Walmart, your paperwork states you’re a full or part-time employee. However, if you cannot meet the minimum requirement, Walmart will likely switch you to part-time. 


  • Walmart’s full-time minimum hours are 34 per week. 
  • If you cannot fulfill the 34 hours per week, Walmart will either reduce your status to part-time or let you go. 
  • Your WalmartOne profile will state if you are part-time or full-time. 

If you want to learn if Walmart will automatically change your employment status if your hours change and what happens if you do switch, then this is the article you were looking for! 

Does Walmart Automatically Change Your Employment Status?

When you are first hired at Walmart, you will either be labeled as a full-time or part-time employee. 

As a part-time employee, there really is no minimum for the hours Walmart requires you to work. However, if you are a full-time employee, you must work more than 32-34 hours per week. 

Now, if you got the job as a full-time Walmart employee, and you work less than 34 hours for more than a couple of weeks in a row, your Walmart manager will give you a warning. 

At this point, you can either explain to your manager that you do not have the time to work full-time or you need to ensure you are not requesting too much time off or giving away shifts and, therefore, not meeting the quota. 

Usually, Walmart does not automatically change your employment status from full-time to part-time without checking in with you. 

However, if you continue to work without meeting the required full-time hours even after a warning, your manager will likely either demote you to part-time or terminate you from the company. 

Now, if you are a part-time employee who works more than 34 hours per week for 12 weeks, you should request an employment status adjustment, as full-time employees receive more benefits. 

How to Check if You Are Full-Time or Part-Time at Walmart

As a Walmart employee, you should always know whether you are a part-time or full-time employee. 

And that is because you want to make sure you are working the appropriate hours for your status and because you get more benefits as a full-time employee! 

Luckily, checking your employment status at Walmart is quite simple. 

Walmart employees report that all you need to do is sign into your WalmartOne account, click the Money tab, then select Eligibility by Hours. 

There, it will clearly state if you are considered a part-time or full-time employee. 

Walmart Full-Time Benefits

Next, you might want to know why it’s so important to understand if you are a Walmart part-time or full-time employee. And why you don’t want to switch from full-time to part-time if you don’t have to. 

Walmart part-time employees do receive 10% off as an employee discount. However, that’s really the only benefit available! 

Whereas full-time employees qualify for health insurance for themselves and their spouses. As well as educational programs, maternity and paternity leave, and even emergency care services. 

And, of course, they get the 10% employee discount card! So as you can see, being a full-time employee has a lot more benefits at Walmart. 

What Happens if You Switch From Full-Time to Part-Time at Walmart?

Finally, let’s find out what happens if you switch from full-time to part-time at Walmart. 

The first thing is that you lose all those fantastic benefits that Walmart offers its full-time employees. 

As well, part-time employees are not guaranteed hours like full-time employees are.

So if you switch to part-time to keep your job as you can’t commit to the 34-hour requirement, you may start seeing your name less frequently on the schedule. 

Many Walmart employees are disappointed by this strategy as they cannot rely on their Walmart job for a steady income. 


Walmart’s official policy is that you must work 34 hours per week to be a full-time employee.

Walmart does not usually automatically change your employment status. 

If you consistently miss the 34-hour-per-week minimum requirement of a full-time employee, your Walmart manager will issue a warning. If you still can’t keep up, they will let you know you are now a part-time employee. 

However, if you are working more than 34 hours per week and are still a part-time employee, you should call your HR representative. You will certainly want to get your status changed so that you can receive full-time benefits.