Walmart Job Abandonment Policy [Full Guide]

If you left your job at Walmart, you probably want to know what the company’s job abandonment policy is. 

Is job abandonment the same as quitting? Can you get rehired? 

We are going to answer these questions (and more) right now!

Walmart Job Abandonment Policy

If you abandon your job at Walmart by not officially quitting but simply not showing up for your shift, Walmart considers it job abandonment. Technically, you can reapply to Walmart after 6 months if you abandon your job. But it’s highly unlikely that you will get your job back. 


  • Walmart’s job abandonment policy states that you can reapply after 6 months. 
  • Job abandonment is when you leave your job at Walmart without notifying management. 
  • It is unlikely that Walmart will rehire you after job abandonment. 

Now, if you want to understand how the policy works, what is job abandonment, and if it’s the same as quitting, read on! 

What Is Considered Job Abandonment at Walmart?

Before we dig into the details, you need to know what exactly job abandonment at Walmart is. 

Job abandonment is when you leave your job at Walmart by not coming in for your shift (or any future shifts) without notifying your supervisor, manager, or HR representative. 

So if you no-call, no-show, and never call to explain why you didn’t come to your shift, you will be fired for job abandonment. 

Does Walmart Rehire After Job Abandonment?

Next, you should understand that Walmart does not have a policy that states they won’t rehire you after job abandonment. 

However, as your attendance is still on record, it is extremely uncommon for Walmart to rehire you after job abandonment. 

The bottom line is that when you leave your job without notifying the management and don’t show up for your shift, you show Walmart that you are an unreliable employee. 

Unless your situation is unique and you have a good reason for abandoning your job, you probably won’t get it back. 

Is Job Abandonment the Same as Quitting?

Finally, many people confuse job abandonment with quitting. However, job abandonment is not considered quitting.

In fact, Walmart states that if you don’t show up for work without formally quitting, then you were fired for job abandonment. 

That means that on your record, you were terminated from Walmart. This can make it extremely challenging to be rehired and get unemployment benefits, and it can be a problem with future applications if they check your references. 

Job abandonment is one of the worst ways you can leave Walmart. It shows management that you are unreliable and an untrustworthy employee, which can do quite a bit of damage to your resume. 


Job abandonment is not the same as quitting. If you leave your job at Walmart through a no-call no-show, on your record, you were fired for job abandonment. 

Walmart does not have a distinct job abandonment policy. But although you can technically get rehired if you apply after 6 months, it is highly unlikely that you will get your job back. 

And the reason why is simply that you have lost Walmart’s trust and are no longer considered a reliable employee.