Walmart Termination Appeal Process [Full Guide]

If you got fired from Walmart and want to understand if it’s possible to appeal the termination, this is exactly the article you were looking for! 

We are going to step through all the details you need to know about Walmart’s termination process right now. 

Can You Appeal a Termination at Walmart?

You can technically appeal a termination at Walmart. But unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that you will actually get your job back. While you can go to Walmart’s HR department if you feel you were unjustly terminated, they will probably side with Walmart, not with you. 


  • You can appeal a termination at Walmart through the HR department. 
  • It is highly unlikely that you will actually overturn a termination at Walmart. 
  • Walmart’s termination appeal process usually takes 90 days. 

Now, if you want to completely understand the Walmart termination appeal process, read on! 

It’s all right here. 

How to Appeal a Termination at Walmart

The first thing to understand about how to appeal a termination at Walmart is that in order to appeal a termination at Walmart, you must do so within 30 days of the termination date. 

If you are still within this time frame, here’s what you need to do next:

  1. Contact your store’s HR representative.
  2. If your HR representative won’t take your case, you need to contact Walmart’s corporate HR department. 
  3. Provide all the information about your termination. 
  4. You should have evidence, i.e., a witness, that proves you were unjustly terminated. 

After you contact HR, you will be asked to fill out the termination appeal paperwork, then the process officially begins. 

Walmart Termination Appeal Process

Once you have applied to appeal your termination with Walmart’s HR department, the process usually takes about 90 days. 

However, it’s important to note that it can take much less or more time, depending on your specific situation. 

The process begins when you are asked to complete the paperwork, which a Walmart HR employee will then assess. 

After they speak to you, your manager, and maybe your coworkers, a decision will be made as to whether or not your termination will be appealed. 

You should understand that it is highly unlikely that you will be reinstated in your job at Walmart by appealing the termination through Walmart’s HR department. 

These employees are specifically there to look out for the company as a whole and typically side with managers, not associates. 

If your termination appeal is denied, there is something else you can do. You can hire an employment lawyer to file a suit against Walmart for wrongful termination. But this requires time, effort, and usually quite a bit of money. 

Most people agree that filing an unlawful termination lawsuit at Walmart is generally a waste of time and money, as employees almost never win the case. 


Walmart’s termination appeal process is not challenging; however, it is highly unlikely that your termination will actually be overturned. 

To appeal an unjust termination, you must contact Walmart’s HR department within 30 days of termination, fill out the necessary paperwork, and explain your situation. 

Then, you need to wait around 90 days for their decision. 

If Walmart’s HR department denies your appeal, you can file a lawsuit for wrongful termination.