Walmart Time Adjustment Policy [Full Guide]

Do you work at Walmart and want to understand the company’s time adjustment policy? 

In this article, we will dig into all the details of the electronic time adjustment for Walmart employees. 

Walmart Time Adjustment Policy

Walmart’s time adjustment policy states that employees can change their time clock as needed if they forgot to clock out or in for shifts or breaks. However, if an employee continually uses the ETA option, they might be investigated. And if they’re lying about hours worked, they can be fired. 


  • Walmart offers ETA to employees to adjust their time cards as needed. 
  • You can use Walmart’s electronic time adjustment on your WalmartOne account. 
  • Employee time adjustments need to be completely accurate at Walmart. 

Keep reading if you want to understand why Walmart offers electronic time adjustments to its employees. 

As well as how to use it and even what will happen if you take advantage of the system! Everything you need to know is right here. 

Why Does Walmart Offer Electronic Time Adjustment?

The first question many people ask is why Walmart allows its employees to electronically adjust their own time cards. 

Walmart does not seem to have a clear-cut reason why they offer this service. But essentially, it is to make the lives of its employees just a little easier! 

With ETA, when a Walmart employee forgets to clock in or out for a shift or break, they can adjust the time themselves. 

That means there is less work for the manager and employees. And the payroll will always represent the exact minutes worked. 

How Do You Use Walmart’s Electronic Time Adjustment?

Now that you know what the electronic time adjustment is and why Walmart uses it, you need to know how to use it too! 

To use Walmart’s ETA, you must sign in to your WalmartOne account. Then, navigate to your time clock and select the clock out or in, that you need to change. 

Once you click, a box will appear that allows you to adjust the time down to the minute. 

It’s important to note that while you can adjust your time clock on the Walmart employee site as needed, you should always be completely honest and accurate. You could get into quite a bit of trouble for lying (as we are about to find out.)

How Accurate Do Your Time Adjustments Need to Be?

The next thing you need to know is that your time adjustments need to be completely accurate.  

That means if you left your shift at 12:02 but forgot to clock out, you should enter the time you left as 12:02.

When you make a time adjustment to your schedule, it alerts the management. And usually, they will check the cameras to ensure you actually arrived or left at the time you claimed. 

If you are not sure of the exact time, you can ask management to check the cameras for you. And you should do so before you make the adjustment so that you don’t find yourself in trouble later! 

Do You Get In Trouble for Taking Advantage of Walmart’s Electronic Time Adjustment?

Finally, all Walmart employees should understand what will happen if they take advantage of Walmart’s ETA offering. 

Realistically, if you only adjust your time card every once in a while due to forgetting to clock in or out for a shift or a break and you are honest about your timeline, you will not be penalized for using the system. 

However, you should be aware that Walmart managers will look at the cameras if they believe you might be taking advantage and lying about your arrival and departure times. 

Now, if you actually are taking advantage and being dishonest about your schedule, you will absolutely get in trouble with Walmart. 

While technically, there is no specific amount of times you can take advantage of ETA without getting fired, it’s likely that if it happens more than a few times, you will be notified by your manager. 

The manager can then decide either to coach you or terminate you immediately. Usually, if you are a good worker and can explain that you made a mistake, you can keep your job, but it cannot happen again. 

But if you are already on thin ice and are clearly stealing company time, it is highly likely that you will be fired from Walmart. 


According to Walmart’s time adjustment policy, employees can change their clock in and out times as needed on their WalmartOne accounts. 

Making the adjustments on the website is easy and can be done at any time. However, the adjustments need to be completely accurate down to the minute. 

Walmart offers this service in order to make the lives of their employees and managers just a bit easier. But it is vital that you do not take advantage of the system. Lying will be considered stealing time, and you could be either coached or even fired for doing so.