What Does “Zoning” Mean at Walmart?

If you work at Walmart, you will likely be asked to “zone” an aisle at some point. 

But if you don’t know what “zoning” means, don’t worry! 

We’re going to find out right now. 

What Does “Zoning” Mean at Walmart?

“Zoning” at Walmart is when employees organize merchandise on the shelves throughout the store. Employees are asked to remove anything from the shelves that shouldn’t be there. And move the items that are in the correct space forward with labels facing out to make the stock look neat and tidy. 


  • Zoning at Walmart means organizing merchandise on the shelves. 
  • You can use a zoning tool to help align items. 
  • To zone as quickly as possible, focus on pulling the essential items forward first.

Now, in this article, we will discuss how to use a zoning tool at Walmart. And some tips to help you zone faster. 

So read on! Everything you need to know about zoning at Walmart is right here. 

How Do You Use the Zoning Tools at Walmart?

If you work retail, it’s likely that you have at least seen or even used a zoning tool before. 

But just in case you haven’t, a zoning tool looks like a long hand saw but with a flat edge. It is used to help organize stock on shelves quickly and efficiently. 

If your Walmart uses zoning tools, then you certainly need to know how to use one as well. 

Luckily, it’s incredibly easy to use a zoning tool! Simply place the zoning tool along one side of the line of items on the shelf to move them into a perfect line. 

It’s important to note that zoning tools can only line up the stock. You still need to use your hands to move items forward and align the labels perfectly. 

Although zoning tools can be helpful, many Walmart employees have reported that they are not the best way to zone. 

So you might be wondering what the best system is so that you can zone as quickly as possible! 

Tips for Getting Faster at Zoning

The first thing to note before we discuss the tips to getting faster at zoning is what kind of zoning your manager is asking for. 

At some Walmart locations, employees are only asked to move the first 2 items in the line to the front and leave the rest in the back until stocking or a deep zone is required. 

However, at other stores, this could get you coached, and you will likely have to return to rezone the aisle. 

So it’s vital that you check in with your manager and find out what kind of zoning they want for the store so that you do it the right way the first time. 

Now, if your manager only requires the first few items to be brought to the front and lined up, you can zone quite quickly. The fastest way to zone for this system is to use both hands and move consistently and efficiently. 

However, if you are deep zoning, i.e., moving everything from the back to the front, of course, it will take a bit longer. 

In order to deep zone as fast as possible, you should still use both hands but take a bit more time in each section to ensure the stock is perfectly aligned. 

It may seem like you’re moving slowly. But because you won’t have to go back to fix your work, you’re actually saving yourself time! 

Most Walmart employees report that speed simply comes with time. And the more you zone, the faster you get.  


At Walmart, “zoning” means organizing the stock on the shelves. The items need to be in line, facing forward, and pulled to the front. 

While you can use a zoning tool, which looks like a large flat saw, to align the merchandise, most Walmart employees believe using your hands is faster. 

If you want to zone as quickly as possible, you should use both hands, move efficiently, and ensure you are following your store’s protocol.